Actually Beacon Rock gets a forum devoted to it and the lesser crags in the gorge. Columbia River Gorge
Due to long standing border disputes some Oregonians try and move Beacon to the Oregon Cascades. Don't let them fool you
The Alps do have lots of telepheriques. That makes access to big cliffs for jumping easy. I imagine you need lots of jumps to build up your skills.
Then again I know almost nothing about base jumping
Sure, Matt. Bush started the war in Afghanistan like FDR started the war in the Pacific. You libs get nuttier with each passing year. Fortunately, a few of us still remember 9/11/01.
Foulweather thinks events that precipitated the Iraq and Afgan wars are the equivalent of the events precipitating WW2.
The US government submitted false information on WMD as proof we were justified in invading a fucked up regime in modern times. In the old days we didn't enter war until after the two fucked up regimes of Japan and Germany invaded surrounding countries and nearby countries begged us for help.
Sure turning planes into bombs is a good reason to send out a strategic strike to get the main asshole in charge, but invading a country and then not capturing the bad apple.
Climbing in the Colorado Rockies we tried to live by the rule:
At 2PM you must be off the summit and away from ridge crests.
Summer days would start sunny and clear then clouds would come in, expand, then it would be time for the light show.
Damn! A group of us were at pt 10,300 on the Russell Glacier on the 18th. I remember looking at the ski tracks on Liberty Ridge.
There was an open moat at the base of the ridge (below the slide) when we were there. Apparently the last support for that slab went away when the moat opened.
How about paragliding out of a helicopter then landing at the base of Das Tooph. From there you climb the route then jump and glide down to the Alpental parking lot where the helicopter touches down and picks you up.
That would give you a H2H record. I bet it would beat any C2C record set by those pathetic climbers without helicopters, pilots, and paragliders.
Ok this ain't a bumper sticker but...