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Everything posted by AlpineK

  1. You sure twist the conversation around. Watch the video again. You will see that these people only want the truth to be told nothing else. They don’t want to have a national holiday honoring a person who committed atrocious acts of violence against indigenous people. That’s all. This has nothing to do whether he discovered America. One or more of the folks interviewed state, "It ain't your fault." I don't think they hate folks descended from European ancestry.
  2. I believe the humans who discovered North and South America primarily walked here from Siberia during the ice ages. The ice ages were long before Columbus conned the Spanish monarchy into giving him a boat.
  3. With the exception of the 4th of July all other government recognized holidays are negotiable.
  4. Off White has a small rock climbing area on his property. It used to be a quarry. There was a long period of time between quarry days and rock climbing days. Ask OW. I bet he could help you
  5. Yep. The first photo is Sir Donald.
  6. Locked bathrooms and water sources for sure. I imagine they want to cut off garbage pickup too. Prior to it being a park you could access it as long as you didn't piss off the farmers nearby. No walking through the orchard especially during harvest. Since there is a way to avoid the orchard on foot that isn't a problem now. The orchard folks didn't like people parking on the street near the rocks. If people started parking on the street nearby they might get annoyed enough to report your vehicle and get the sheriff on you. I suppose you could climb there if you parked near the highway and walked in, but then again maybe not.
  7. No not one picture Kev. How many pictures of DLR or whichever of the Williams sisters you really like have you posted? You even post them when they have nothing to do with the subject. Think about it.
  8. I think that's the only way Kev can express his true feelings towards DLR. From his postings it seems he wants to get it on with the Williams sisters and David Lee Roth. Maybe not all at once but then again? 8D
  9. I pull them off standing most times. Not quite the way the guy in the video does but it is fairly simple. I've put them on without removing skis a couple times, but it doesn't seem worth the bother. I'd agree if your skins are almost wall to wall you want to take skis off anyway so you can look at what you're doing and avoid overlapping the ski edge. Keeping edges clear helps when you traverse sidehills/ascending cuts.
  10. I've received a couple requests for moderation in the last few months, but not from Kevbone
  11. I'm disappointed Pete. From the thread title I was hoping for a reference to the classic 80's Tubes song. [video:youtube] Does Kevbone even know who the Tubes are?
  12. If you go to the top of Steamboat Prow or just below it on lookers left there is a scrambling route down to Camp Shurmen. I've done it a couple times. It isn't too bad, and it keeps you off the Emmons. It's been a few years since I've used that route, so don't ask for a better description of it.
  13. AlpineK

    Which 3?

    Dorothy would take The Scarecrow The Tin Man The Cowardly Lion It worked out pretty well for her. She did kick the Wicked Witch of the West's ass. [img:center]http://www.costumzee.com/view/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/wizard-of-oz-dvdcover.jpg[/img]
  14. AlpineK

    Which 3?

    Curly, Moe, and Larry [img:center]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_NjUov1-0KnU/Sw7RETCzyeI/AAAAAAAAKJI/_SrlerVvB48/s400/1+93+3+Stooges.jpg[/img]
  15. Get your skis tuned up [img:center]http://lh3.ggpht.com/_rxgbPHdbZ9I/Syhm7BwuqPI/AAAAAAAAALI/xTxjLIDdVfo/s800/Mountains%20and%20clouds.jpg[/img] 2010 La Nina So sorry rock climbers
  16. Yep coffee prior to clicking is a good idea I wonder what the Rooster has to say.
  17. Come visit Jay, F, and KKK at their country club [img:center]http://elitechoice.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/01/Country_Club.jpg[/img] Good luck with the club security staff [img:center]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/_eDs_b1LRt6I/SruqW8lEguI/AAAAAAAADvI/DGxM_0tTyJI/s400/rnc.protests.day.one.pic.thumb1-thumb.jpg[/img]
  18. AlpineK

    Who are the poor?

    don't forget uneducated, incoherent, half ass climbing, paint slinging dirtbag Slackjawed Motherfucker
  19. AlpineK

    Who are the poor?

    This all reminds me of a classic song. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GWZbyo4gJWI
  20. [font:Arial Black]Dick Cheney needs your money[/font]
  21. Corporations should and will dominate the earth. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CV9ysMZamxs
  22. Crazy, I just heard a voice say, "Congratulations you won." I didn't click on anything and the voice didn't tell me what I won.
  23. Why pay for garbage pick up when I can just throw it in the street. It worked fine in the middle ages why not now? [img:center]http://www.globalenvision.org/files/Cairo%20Trash%20Pigs.jpg[/img]
  24. No, that would be an Dynafit compatible AT boot
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