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Everything posted by AlpineK

  1. Trip: Mount Rainier - Inter Glacier Date: 9/3/2010 Trip Report: After looking at NOAA reports I got the idea that maybe I could find Freshiez! Then again reading a report saying, "chances of snow," doesn't mean you'll find new white stuff on the ground when you get to the area. In any case hauling a pack weighted with ski gear is good exercise, and a day out in the mountains is usually fun or interesting. The Inter Glacier sounded like a good bet. It is north facing and somewhat protected from solar radiation, so chances of giant penitentes are reduced. Things looked a bit grim at Starbow [img:center]http://lh6.ggpht.com/_rxgbPHdbZ9I/TIJMld2OEQI/AAAAAAAAAqs/qjKVsDY48ik/32-IMG_3185.gif[/img] After gaining a bit more altitude and getting a direct view of the Inter Glacier things looked better. I was worried about lots of blue ice. There was a patch part way up, but you could avoid it. [img:center]http://lh6.ggpht.com/_rxgbPHdbZ9I/TIJMlb8eTvI/AAAAAAAAAqw/UpdP5k0mo2U/s576/1-IMG_3154.gif[/img] I boot packed skis up the glacier/snowfield. About half way up the snow I started to see large patches of new snow that got bigger and bigger! [img:center]http://lh5.ggpht.com/_rxgbPHdbZ9I/TIJMl_0j_FI/AAAAAAAAAq0/JuIT2W-fe-g/s576/8-IMG_3161.gif[/img] The upper mountain looked nice, but ski conditions were less than ideal. [img:center]http://lh4.ggpht.com/_rxgbPHdbZ9I/TIJMmDpdF8I/AAAAAAAAAq4/6CMHnR0qEfg/s800/Raindog_Panorama2-copy.gif[/img] Then it was time to ski Freshiez. Well maybe slushiez, but it was new stuff. [img:center]http://lh4.ggpht.com/_rxgbPHdbZ9I/TIJMmTkoZPI/AAAAAAAAAq8/JuRPOgTTU84/16-IMG_3169.gif[/img] Partway down I had to ski skiers left to avoid blue ice, but then I cut back right to ski snow with the best looking condition. Things were a little weird. Summertime conditions made the surface somewhat like skiing a mogul field. I'd say it was interesting not annoying. [img:center]http://lh4.ggpht.com/_rxgbPHdbZ9I/TIJM97D2YLI/AAAAAAAAArE/K9Gl_4PeSMQ/s576/29-IMG_3182.gif[/img] After that I packed up the skis and started hiking. [img:center]http://lh6.ggpht.com/_rxgbPHdbZ9I/TIJM-frSnPI/AAAAAAAAArQ/wGOhL3rMsTU/31-IMG_3184.gif[/img] Gear Notes: I brought skins but didn't need them since boot packing is easy right now Approach Notes: The blue ice takes up a chunk of the glacier about 1/4th the way up. Right now getting around it isn't too bad, but with warm dry weather it could grow and get worse
  2. All sides should sit down and talk the whole situation out over a doughnut bacon cheese burger. [img:center]http://www.aldenteblog.com/images/2008/07/01/lutherburger.jpg[/img]
  3. 395 to 17 to 20 on your side is somewhat direct and 101 to 20 on the other side.
  4. A long time ago friends left their car in the upper lot at Alpental. They spent the night out and it snowed quite a bit. On returning to their car they found their car buried in a ton of snow pushed there by a plow driver. Since they needed a good way to move a lot of snow they walked over to a parked plow with an operator in it. After explaining what they needed to do the plow driver handed them a shovel from the rig and told them he expected it to be returned.
  5. Apparently flash dancing near ground zero is protected by the Tea Party. http://www.politicususa.com/en/ground-zero-strip-club
  6. If you mean built structures by, "pillars," then no there are none. The route is frequently climbed though, so there are a lot of foot tracks and bits of trail to follow. If it's a beautiful sunny day and stays that way then you shouldn't have much of a problem ascending or descending. On the other hand if there are clouds that descend and create a white out then all bets are off. Slopes on the south side of the mountain are wide without lots of features. All directions can look good, and foot tracks you follow may may be tracks placed by other lost people.
  7. Kevbone when are you finally going to make up your mind. We know you plan on building a temple to Van Halen, but how will you order the idols to worship at? Apparently Eddie will gets the largest prominent statue. You also have to place a statue for Dave and or Sammy. Who is it, Dave or Sammy?
  8. Things could be much worse. In '83 two friends and I went in to climb the Price Glacier. At the lake we were greeted by four guys who ask us if we were Search and Rescue. They had been part of a party of six climbing the North Ridge. Two members of their group were ahead and hit by a large ice fall that swept them over cliffs above Price Lake. The four fellows managed to find their way to the lake trying to spot their friends. Warm temperatures and the story we heard made us ditch our climbing plans. We spent the rest of the day at the lake and watched a helicopter search gullies attempting to locate the bodies. Eventually they airlifted the group at the lake away. The next day we hiked out. Sometimes plans don't go as expected.
  9. Right on!
  10. Should this man be allowed to marry any form of mammal? [img:center]http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/data/500/rock3.jpg[/img] [img:center]http://www.chrismaser.com/bk-mopnw.jpg[/img] Mammals of the Pacific Northwest
  11. Better get a custom tune up for ice skiing on Mars. An approach trip in zero-g might leave you out of shape for big descents too.
  12. Simple solution If you don't like gay marriage then don't get one
  13. Flying in those ravines adds to the extreme factor.
  14. Goat Rocks might be good, but better as a 2 day trip.
  15. Nice TR and pictures. Now I'm mad at myself for blowing off The Price Glacier.
  16. April and May could have good weather. June is called Junuary for a reason Current forecast models call for a La Nina winter (cold and snow) starting soon and extending till ? In any case Rainier could be good, especially with skis. It could also have some bad ass avy conditions. Alpine rock climbing is often winter like during April-June, and easy access to Forbidden may not exist.
  17. good thing you voted BHO in to get us out of our other wars! Four simultaneous wars are better than two.
  18. With all the savings from Jay's plan we can have a, "justified," war with both Iran and North Korea. This will be a big boost to corporations since the Defense Department has modernized and outsourced most of the military.
  19. Nice Trip Your shot of the final rap off South Howser brings back some good memories. [img:center]http://lh6.ggpht.com/_XNueStDVX8c/TFia4yjOUwI/AAAAAAAAKvY/gWKd71mS1k0/s640/P1010603.JPG[/img]
  20. The big powder dumps are still a ways out, but winter is on the way. [img:center]http://www.cascadebackcountryskipatrol.org/CBSP/Home_files/shapeimage_2.png[/img] Cascade Backcountry Ski Patrol (CBSP) is looking for new members to ski patrol in the backcountry. There are three certifications administered by the National Ski Patrol necessary to become a backcountry ski patroller. The first and toughest Outdoor Emergency Care (OEC) has a class starting soon. OEC training is similar to Emergency Medical Technician training except you are a first responder on a ski slope with limited medical supplies. Second is Avalanche 1 Finally Mountain Travel and Rescue Level 1 and 2 are required certifications Patrolling (Duty Days) with CBSP are similar to regular backcountry skiing. The training makes you capable of first response to an emergency, but you aren't actively searching for accidents. CBSP receives some support from the USFS, and CBSP provides the forest service with statistics on winter use of the mountains and observed conditions while skiing. On occasions organizations ask CBSP to provide patrollers for events. A Duty Day could be monitoring a Nordic race. Last year CBSP took part/assisted in the Hop Loppet race from Mission Ridge to Blewett Pass. Certified patrollers with sufficient Duty Days can take advantage of equipment deals. If you are interested contact me via PM or anyone on the CBSP list Contact Us
  21. [video:youtube]
  22. Which was the largest? The one that created Grand Coulee and the Scab lands. Then again that was before the French trappers and the Hudson Bay Company [img:center]http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/7a/Channeled_Scablands_during_flood.jpg[/img]
  23. AlpineK

    fucking awesome

    I bet he was thinking, "I need a couple beers before the cops haul me off."
  24. AlpineK

    fucking awesome

    I need a beer before the cops come
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