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Everything posted by AlpineK

  1. There's some nice stuff there, but...... Where are the skis, bindings, and boots My dad built me ski gear and had me doing some very very mellow skiing when I was 1.5 years old. Way back in the 60s
  2. Here's my random image of the day.
  3. AlpineK

    No I'm not joking!

    It's a little odd to be walking down the street with the knowledge that there's only one person behind you and to hear their voice talking to somebody. If you turn around and there's just the one person then it's understandable if the person has mental problems, or they've obviously pulled out a cell phone and they're talking on it. I was just down at the DOL office with about a thousand people, and a few of the folks there had those blue tooth things strapped to their ear. Some times they'd be talking to somebody in the office, but other times it wasn't obvious who the hell they were talking to. Other people had cell phones and those were a lot less freaky. If you're going to talk on the phone make sure other people in physical proximity can tell with one glance what you're doing.
  4. In many ways those were the best politicians ever. I love Nixon's line, "I am not a crook." Ford used to fall down stairs and didn't Carter get attacked by a rabbit and he had an idiot brother named Billy. Now there's some cool shit. It's hard to top that with a power team from both parties.
  5. I'd show up if there was one, but nobody cares about Pub Club anymore. Anywhere between Lake City and Ballard works for me. predicted response.
  6. Roxy Music.
  7. We smoke pot Yes we do We're the class of 82. I'm sure there's more I should remember, but that's the first thing that came to mind. On second thought there was the time in shop class where we learned that a balloon with an oxygen and acetylene mix blows up real good.
  8. On idea that's very expensive right now but might make a lot of sense in the future is the whole green roof system. Instead of standard roofing you have a bunch of plants of the right varieties growing on your roof. Right now you can store up water from the roof of your house, but you have to flush away the first bit of rain water due to all the nasty current roofing debris that comes off the top of your house every time it rains.
  9. The NBA is fucking stupid. Right now both Portland and Seattle suck at basketball. At least Seattle has a good past from the late 70s
  10. I'm thinking it's best not to worry too much about Hollywood stars bulimic or not. Especially when you live in Lake City...now pushy car salesman that's another story. Right now I'm at 210. Basically I am the same as on June 11th. That's down 10 lbs from my start date or down 6.5 from the contest start.
  11. I think we have a winner... so to speak.
  12. AlpineK

    stupid VW's

    I borrowed that same Beetle to go ice climbing around Lake Louise back in the early 80s. The passenger's full time job was to scrape the windshield so the driver could see. We had to store the battery in the old LL Hostel every night. On the days when the high was -40 the bug wouldn't even budge. The hostel keeper wouldn't let us stay in the place, so we did some xc skiing till we'd proved that we'd at least spent a little time outside.
  13. I'm not going to get into the whole hot or not thing. It is interesting that the area near my old High School (Sammamish) is no longer whitey central. There are a ton of Indian and Asian folks living there. I spent a week not too long ago doing tree work at this apartment complex in the area. Sure there were white residents, but there were a lot of Asian and Indian folks there. Part of the problem is too many people only view Bellevue in terms of what you can easily see at Bellevue Square.
  14. AlpineK

    stupid VW's

    I learned how to drive in a VW Super Beetle back in the 70s. Good times...manual not automatic
  15. Captain Ron
  16. I've aborted quite a few trees. Is Seahawks going to call the god squad on me?
  17. I've done 2 on the Diamond. Good stuff
  18. Kurt: Are you asking Rudy or I? It doesn't matter who I'm asking. I'm just making sure folks know the fast way to drop 10 lbs.
  19. Local myth Euro myth
  20. AlpineK

    next Thursday

    WOOHOO! bring on the snow!
  21. AlpineK

    next Thursday

    All I can say about the solstice is I was lucky enough a long time ago to get to actually walk under Stonehenge. It wasn't on the solstice though.
  22. That's a crazy slide. For a second I was thinking that was Yam, but I guess not.
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