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Everything posted by rbw1966

  1. rbw1966

    New Female Posters

    Right. Of course its not because she/he may not be into climbing and he/she may not WANT to climb. Time apart is just as, if not more, important as time together. Your post reminds me of a wedding rehearsal dinner I attended recently at a local restaurant where the honored couple seemed inseparable. At one point in the evening the female looked at her male counterpart and said "I am going to the restroom" and which point they both got up and walked away together. When I got up to go to the bathroom myself I saw her fiance hanging around outside the women's restroom. Chivalry or co-dependency?
  2. Target shooting is a "sport"?
  3. You guys need to get a room
  4. You listed three taxes: income, capital gains and real estate. Whats a "real estate" tax? Is that a property tax? If so, when did the feds start one and why haven't I been paying it. Wealth being passed from one person to another is income. I'm interested in hearing more about why taxing this is "unfair".
  5. My income is taxed. When I pass my income on to, say, my mechanic he then has to pay income tax on it too. When an estate passes from one person to another its income to the recipient.
  6. In europe hash is easier to procure than da kine. Or so I heard.
  7. Nice video. Is that Black Rebel Motorcycle Club on the soundtrack?
  8. rbw1966


    Most insurance policies specifically exclude acts of terrorism. If this was insurance fraud they better hope they had an endorsement covering terrorist acts.
  9. Wayne--does this have the dryloft shell?
  10. Chris--wasn't Eagle Creek the sale where things got so ugly that the timber company tried to back out of the operation but the FS was forcing them to log? I know thats the sale where Tres camped out at FS headquarters. I am especially glad to see them trying to protect the Roaring River area as well. I'm in favor of this bill. Thanks for taking the time to share all that information.
  11. The god of wealth forgot the $ on his 9 trillion
  12. How will passage of this bill affect the Cloud Cap Road? Cooper Spur ski area?
  13. Huh? Someone is posting under the influence (PUI) Are you two really that dense? Matt made two baseless accusations against FW just for the hell of it. Then he tried to explain away the accusations "I think you said you did that". Lame. My question was meant to illustrate that - hey, let's make up something totally random, and accuse YOU of it. How would YOU feel? That wasn't directed to you. Are you always so quick to assume you are being slighted?
  14. Huh? Someone is posting under the influence (PUI)
  15. is it possible to have a discussion about the constitution without resorting to partisan name-calling?
  16. Beer battered? Mmmmmm. . .
  17. rbw1966


    Barry Manilow and Rod Stewart look like lesbians.
  18. Another thumbs up for Canon here. I have an older powershot G2 and a new A720is. I got the new one because the G2 is just so big and bulky I never pulled it out. It also has tons of manual settings I never use.
  19. The fall I took in Canada was on a screw with a screamer. The screamer completely ripped out but the screw held.
  20. OMC has newer gear and, if memory serves, is cheaper and more casual about timing.
  21. If you go to Carver be sure and join the Carver Climbing Club by stopping in at the Portland Rock Gym. Carver is on private property and while the owner is cool with climbers, we need to honor his request by having people sign the required waiver.
  22. Several universities in Portland. Might get more response if you narrow it down. Stumptown is the best coffee around if you can handle the hipper-than-thou attitude served up with it.
  23. Oh the possibilities!
  24. A guy from PMR soloed the pearly gates on Saturday when I was up there. It sounded like the gates were pretty cool right now but you definitely need a second tool. Nice TR and pics.
  25. Mikester, I am sorry for your loss. They touch our lives in such profound ways. I was a wreck when I had to put down my golden. Its been three years and I still have dreams about him. Hang in there.
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