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Everything posted by rbw1966

  1. Nice report and welcome to the asylum.
  2. I have a 60csx and am pretty happy with it. It replaced the eTrex vista I had that had been warranty replaced 3 times before I got fed up with the POS and upgraded. I chose the 60csx for a number of reasons that are listed above by robertjoy. In addition, I wanted something with a big enough screen that I could read it in the car or on my motorcycle, that was durable and waterproof and user-friendly. I've used it quiet a bit now and I like it a LOT better than the Vista. The downside is its heavier than the smaller units but its a price I am willing to pay. I got mine for $276 on sale. I don't know anything about the Delorme units.
  3. You need better bait.
  4. They'd have to start a seperate SAR mission just to find your registration in that mess You assume the FS will even have the self-registration forms available. I've been there twice in the last two months where there were no blank forms at all and if the filled out ones were any indication, there had not been any blank forms for quite a while.
  5. Skinning.
  6. I was up there Sunday too. Gorgeous day.
  7. Nice work Wayne--your climbing log is impressive and inspiring.
  8. These are great pants
  9. I thought they werent allowed to charge your credit card until the item shipped?
  10. Trailers have basements?
  11. I think I have one--if I do its in great condition. Make me an offer.
  12. Thats what I was looking for--thanks.
  13. How long did the traverse take?
  14. I have an arcflex terraplane but its a large. Sorry.
  15. I disagree. The missing comma adds clarity (but not much). Frankly, one of the hallmarks of JayB's posts are the run-on sentences. I do find them interesting though when I have the time to parse it out. I have ADD though.
  16. I had the same problem. I got a pair of Marmot Work gloves and my hands are rarely cold or wet in them. If I notice my hands starting to sweat I take them off. I've tried a lot of different gloves. Mittens not so much as those seem to be pretty standard--zero dexterity but plenty warm. The trade-off with gloves is the more insulated the glove the less dexterity you have until you reach a point at which you might as well be wearing mittens. Sizing is a key issue--gloves that are too tight are worse than ones that are too loose as they will restrict blood flow and make it worse. I try and keep two sets of gloves on me, the Marmot Work Gloves when my hands are cold (i.e. first start out) and then a lighter pair after the blood starts flowing and I warm up.
  17. And had been executing their own people for decades.
  18. rbw1966


    I can always climb more; you'll always be stupider than a bucket of snot. "stupider"?
  19. An interesting writer. Have you read "The Periodic Table"? Levi wrote "Il sistema periodico" in 1975--a collection of short stories. In english: The Periodic Table
  20. Jrace: I took randonnee's thread here as informing the climbing community of bad customer service that he received at LMS. I didn't see it as an opening for debate. Frankly, myself and others see some value in relating ones buying experience from various retailers as evidenced by this very forum on Cascadeclimbers. I wish people would post more favorable experiences to balance out the negative but it is what it is. I've never been in LMS, nor do I know Randonnee so I don't have any dog in this fight but I do know that I will consider Randonnees experience next time I am in Lworth and needing gear. There are two sides to every story of course and I would love to hear LMS's side but I don't see anything in Randonnee's posts that would be extreme, over the top or slanderous. He's handling it a lot better than I would.
  21. Yeah, he'll send it back when he's all "done" with it. It might be a little sticky though.
  22. He said its a money order--not a check. Big difference. You can stop payment on a check. I recently bought something from ebay and the seller would only accept a check or money order. I sent off the check and asked him to tell me when he received it--no response. I email him twice more to find out about the check and he finally responds telling me he has it and after it clears he will send the merchandise. What he didn't say was that he was taking off for 3 weeks the next day. It wasn't a lot of money but I was chapped that the dumbass wasn't responding to my inquiries for shipment information so I contacted ebay. That got no response either so I contested the transaction--guess what? Next day I get an email from him. I gave him negative feedback and he did the same to me. Communicate folks.
  23. He probably tells her all about the titty-bars and binge drinking too. Time to upgrade to FriendXP.
  24. I'm out--work.
  25. Is Larry Harpes the guy that worked at the Bagdad with Mark and climbed Space with Pink?
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