Jrace: I took randonnee's thread here as informing the climbing community of bad customer service that he received at LMS. I didn't see it as an opening for debate. Frankly, myself and others see some value in relating ones buying experience from various retailers as evidenced by this very forum on Cascadeclimbers. I wish people would post more favorable experiences to balance out the negative but it is what it is.
I've never been in LMS, nor do I know Randonnee so I don't have any dog in this fight but I do know that I will consider Randonnees experience next time I am in Lworth and needing gear. There are two sides to every story of course and I would love to hear LMS's side but I don't see anything in Randonnee's posts that would be extreme, over the top or slanderous. He's handling it a lot better than I would.