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Everything posted by JasonG

  1. Well, I trust @Bronco is just trying the "choose files" option at the bottom of the little box here and is running into size issues? I always re-size from Lightroom when I do TRs so I haven't ever had issues. Also, I don't have an iPhone. That also seems to be an issue, those HEIC files.
  2. That is a good question @bronco..... @olyclimber?? @jon??
  3. Glad you had a good intro into the HWY 20 corridor! Just an FYI on a couple things....Neither Ruby or Silverstar are in NOCA- Ruby is in the Ross Lake Rec. Area (administered by NOCA, however), while Silverstar is in an unprotected area of the Okanogan Nat'l Forest. Highway 20 doesn't actually touch NOCA anywhere, though you can see into the park from it. Burgundy col isn't the col below the summit, between the summits, rather Burgundy col is on the north side of Burgundy spire.
  4. Just to be clear, this is not me or anyone I know! Just sent to me.....
  5. This week's installment of Slurpee Death, brought to you by Mount Shuksan..... tune in next Monday for the main event on the Coleman Headwall!
  6. I hear bouldering is legit now.
  7. Nice! Just when I thought I had seen all the non-death defying spring routes in there.
  8. Is that the typical amount of snow for this time of year? Wow!
  9. What I wonder, like @olyclimber, is why us @DanO? Why do you care about us so much and not the people over on TAY or Facebook, or wherever? Because, let's be honest, we're not that lovable. Except for @Bronco. He's a love machine!
  10. Can I get a special title too, O Dark Elite Overlord?
  11. When I see this, I eat popcorn? Or, popcorn now, vipers later? Does popcorn attract the vipers?
  12. I couldn't quite figure it out until you suggested it. Yes!
  13. @DanO, did you see what @olyclimber did in the last few pages? HE'S IN THE MACHINE. I mean, just try and escape your "enthusiast" label. I am stuck being a "bro", just because I pissed him off like 5 years ago. @olyclimber is our overlord as long was we type here, that's the deal. He's unstoppable. I can feel his gaze on my forehead!
  14. You guys are testing my supplies. THE FREE FLOW OF IDEAS IS BLOWING MY MIND, AND I CAN'T STOP EATING!!!!!!!111!!!!!!
  15. Good plan @olyclimber, it is worth the struggle to get there!
  16. OK, I'm back. So I need to save more if I am going to retire to Russia? Is China cheaper?
  17. Well, then, we have a lot of ground to cover. Carry on!
  18. I wanted to go skiing with my kids today, and so I did. My hat was wool, however. I think you may be missing the point that you're not making any converts here @DanO. You've done your missionary work, but the field is not yet ripe for harvest. You can keep up with the back and forth with links, but you'll find that we're not apt to change much. But, then again, I'm sure you aren't likely to either. I mean it is fun and all, but I don't think you're really having that much fun with it? At this point, I think we can agree to disagree and check back in annually to see how our respective predictions are working out.
  19. It would seem that the song remains the same. Just checking back in.
  20. Yes! It was only a matter of time until Gen. Ripper made an appearance. Definitely one of my favorite movies, period.
  21. I sure hope so. Otherwise, my ballooning credit card debt will do what the mRNA can't. Minimum payments are made for us terminal patients!
  22. I think I better stock up on popcorn.
  23. So.....I'm supposed to listen to Alex Jones @DanO??!! The same Alex Jones who preached for years that the Sandy Hook massacre was a hoax??
  24. So great @Marcel LaPerriere!! Would love to see more photos from the past and the stories with them! Feel free to start a new thread with anything you'd like to share. I know many of us love stories of the the days of yore in addition to what is going on now. Love Steve's shirt and his Mieje (sp?) pack. When I first got into the mountain thing, my parents lent me their Meije's from the early 1970's that they had bought in Chamonix. Most of my first summits were using a pack similar to Steve's above!
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