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Everything posted by jon

  1. quote: Originally posted by trask: I am an employer, and I refuse to hire someone with poor communication skills (when it's REALLY necessary on a professional level). trask Wow this is really starting to make sense now, you have someone else do your work so you can spray all day long. FASCINATING!
  2. jon


    He guys stop spraying all over my thread, play nice.
  3. I just registered cascadehorsecock.com. Adamson feel free to register .net and Alex K can snag .org. There will be promises of a horsecock database where you can upload pictures of your horsecock to show others. There will be death threats and pictures of Britney Spears eating horsecock. Eventually a Chub Club will start where everyone gets together at various delis across the area and chubs on horsecock. Arguements will ensue over the ethics of drilling holes in horsecock also known as "sportcock". There will be a rash of incidences of people chopping horsecock and it will be blamed on this website. What happens after that only god knows.........
  4. jon


    Seriously guys stop spraying all over my thread. Thank you.
  5. Dude you guys need to chill out. If you can hook a brother up with a job send him an email otherwise STFU!
  6. Eric L Moon- Since you are a chemistry teacher I thought I'd put my response in a way you might understand better. Ok here we go... 1.) (20 points) Balance the following REDOX equation. a) Jon(s) + Work(s) + Training(v) + Spare Time (v) + Beer(l) + Horsecock (s) ---> Website(v) + Shit(s + l) + Urine(l) b) After balancing the equation tell me how much Jon doesn't give a shit. Make sure your answer is in the correct units. 2.) 30 points a) If Jon and Tim consumed 5 Schmidt tallboys each with a Molar Volume of 18 ounces per can, what would be the expected volume of urea when we give you a golden shower? Put you answer in Liters. b) At a pressure of 1 atm and 273 K, how long would it take for you to dry off subsituting the atmospheric partial pressure of water for urea? Assume that our piss acts ideally. 3.) 40 points Image a horsecock weighing 40 kg. If you I threw that horsecock at you at 10m/s and knocked you the fuck out, how much force would that horsecock hit you at? Please put your answer in Newtons. [ 07-03-2002, 01:06 PM: Message edited by: jon ]
  7. at Performance Bike in Bellevue. 24 pack of Gu $20, 3.5 pound can of Cytomax for $25. Didn't see any horsecock on sale sorry.
  8. quote: Originally posted by Steamer: Has anyone else noticed that the same people continually post about the same stupid shit? Ever find a cool website?
  9. jon


    OOOOPS! Guess I should've logged out of your computer. That's ok I know your password, in fact, I know everyones boohahahahah
  10. jon


    and I love to eat horsecock just thought i'd letcha all now that. - HC LOVER
  11. Here's the article. http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/pacificnw/2002/0623/cover.html
  12. quote: Originally posted by Dennis Harmon: I keep hearing about this horse cock. Does Hickory Farms sell it? Will it allow me to climb better if I eat some? Will it get the fucking ants out of my house if I leave it lying on the kitchen counter? Sidescript: Returned home recently after two days gone to find my home virtually filled to the brim with these fucking ants. Anyone out there have any suggestions? Is there a Haitian voodoo doctor out there that I somehow pissed off? If so, I apologize. NOW KNOCK IT THE FUCK OFF!!! Should I spray, call an exterminator, or just learn how to live with the little bastards? Dennis Depends on the ants dude, carpenter ants don't actually eat the wood they just nest there, so if you SPRAY a perimeter around your house they can't leave to eat and die. Remember spraying makes everything better.
  13. jon


    Dennis, I can appreciate anyone who can admit they're wrong once in a while. But since you're in reverse I'm still wondering who in their teens to mid-twenties are drilling sport routes in Washington, and how does that compare to the other age brackets? I don't know the answer myself, but all the route developers in Washington that I know of are in their 30's, 40's, and up. Maybe they should have put this question on the latest census? I think the other thing that needs to be clarified is it the age of the person drilling the bolt or the years of experience. Is a 23 YO drilling a bolt worse than at 44 YO drilling a bolt even if they have been climbing for the same number of years? Not trying to pick a fight.
  14. jon


  15. jon


  16. Hey Fives you think that lake has warmed up?
  17. If anyone tries to give me a ticket I'm going to give them the beat down with my horsecock.
  18. jon


    Oh yeah it's internet enabled we can rap bolt and spray about it here at the same time!
  19. jon


    Hell yeah iaiaiaian i got all the stops beyotch, neon, huge muffler that puts a harley to shame. Hey I got this new pez despenser full of ebombs, you guys want to go to a rave tonight and pick up some freaks. Edog after we get our lattes lets head up to 38 and try out my new cordless rotohammer powered by windows XP.
  20. jon


    quote: Originally posted by Dennis Harmon: Jon, Where are you, lad? Off fighting for your country? I do know BS when I hear it. Dennis I'm in my Escalade cruising the strip listening to the new Eminem CD spending the trust fund baby.
  21. jon

    Alaska Range TR

    Congratulations! Post some picts if you when you got a chance.
  22. jon


    All I'm saying is that the current generation of toddlers of America hasn't paid any price whatsoevever to enjoy the freedoms and bounties of liberty. Jon
  23. Rich nothing wrong with going up with RMI to gain experience. It's too bad you didn't get to the top but it looks like you walked away with a lot. The mountain will always be there man.
  24. jon


    Yeah I noticed that Dennis when you posted that but I didn't feel like calling you on that. Trying to somehow associate yourself with Vietnam when you weren't is bullshit. While you were at home watching Brady Bunch and drinking your Ovalteen the men in my family were serving watching their friends die. A couple years back while in DC burying my grandfather in Arlington we went to the memorial. Sad watching my parents finding all the men my dad served with and all their childhood and college friends on the wall. My uncle was too upset to even look at it, 50% of his covert unit didn't return in addition to all his friends from the Academy. My grandfather was scared for life from what he experienced in WWII. I've got more appreciation for the people serving our country than you can imagine.
  25. jon


    Dennis, Reason I'm asking these questions is because your statements are so generalized, unbased, and absurd I'm trying to figure out what constitutes "giving back to this nation" in your mind? Do you have to serve in the military to do this, or are there other ways? So is the guy delivering my mail doing the nation a service? Is the guy driving a truck on dark and lonely highway delivering produce doing the nation a service? How about the woman at the checkout counter at the grocery store? Or the bank teller? Do you have to work for the government or if you work for a company you are trying to fleece America. Not everyone can put on a uniform and guard our border, our nation hinges on many things most of which in your apparent narrow-minded view of the world you probably take for granted. Basically what the hell do you do for a living that is so fucking righteous that you think you can just go around and tell people how worthless they are with knowing very little if not anything about them? I run across people like you all the time who treat me with so little respect because they make the same kind of generalizations you do just because I’m young and wear shorts and a T-shirt and flip flops all the time. Hey page top!
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