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Everything posted by jon

  1. jon

    PM's aren't private

    Amber, pictured above, was probably one of the best trolls ever. I figured out the thing was all a hoax right away and just laughed my ass off as all the hornballs made asses of themselves. I think the Amber eventually posted the PMs she got, although I believe the thread no longer exists, at least I could find it. Funny shit. Check it. I don't want to keep saying this but I will. Every time you type on the computer, send an email, talk on the phone, whatever, someone could potentially be spying on you. Other websites that run message boards, the same thing, the people who run the site have access to every bit of information that is stored on the server. Some websites try to extract as much information of your computer as they can WITHOUT you knowing. Maybe this is a wakeup call to some, but that is the ugly reality of the digital lifestyle.
  2. jon

    PM's aren't private

    I agree. We should make everyone believe that all "private messages" are just private Then we should call people morons that dont even criticize us. Maybe you should reread the messages in your sent box sent to me.
  3. jon

    PM's aren't private

    Wow, name callin. I'm trying to really be a better person lately and then I get let down by one of the biggies. boo hoo 1st. That wasn't directed towards you. 2nd. Is posting slander about people on the internet part of your plan on becoming a better person. Just curious?
  4. jon

    PM's aren't private

    The moderators cannot read PMs! Just Tim or I. Look I don't expect you people to trust us, so in the event you don't, just don't post anything sensitive in your PMs. Just like you would in email or anything else.
  5. jon

    PM's aren't private

    Yeah it is a defensive move you moron. People are accusing us of shit that isn't true. Some people think it is bullshit that we have access to their PM inboxes. We don't have access so we can read them, we are just able to login to peoples accounts so we can fix the shit. Just like the computer and network admin at your work or at your ISP has access to literally everything you type or put over the network.
  6. jon

    PM's aren't private

    Hey Sisu check out this thread. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=UBB24&Number=130909&Main=130909#Post130909 If you guys want to accuse us of reading PMs that cool, I don't really give a shit what you think, fact is I don't nor really care to. You guys sure didn't mind when you came crying because your inboxes or profiles were broken.
  7. The Bellevue, Kirkland, and Redmond areas in general don't have the bar atmosphere as of those in Seattle. Don't know about Issaquah. The Mustard Seed in Crossroads is alright, not sure if people would like the 8th St but they have good cheap food.
  8. Whatever smartass I know you have your heart rate monitor hooked up to a peristaltic pump offering a steady flow of GU and horsecock to your bloodstream. 35 is pretty fucking low.
  9. Dru what's your max heart rate?
  10. You got to love it when the employees from the stores start slamming and sticking up for each other
  11. How many miles and elevation gain is that again?
  12. jon

    Friday stupid-ass jokes

    Trask! PM me back fucker! Q: How many atoms in a guacamole? A:Avocado's number. HAR HAR HAR HAR
  13. Respond to my PM chicken f'er!
  14. WHAT THE FUCK! Where are you getting this? I've lived in Redmond my whole life there's no way in hell I'm paying a fee to park there.
  15. You know you've been running a board long when you have everyones IP addresses memorized.
  16. Hey check it out folks. All we are asking is to keep the spray out of the route reports, and places like newbies. We have dedicated a whole forum, called "spray", for you to talk about whatever you want almost completely unhindered (within reason). You can cry foul but let me assure you that I am accomodating you much more then I would like. Which leads into my second point. Matt has taken the time to discuss with you how the route report should be moderated. A few of you thinking you speak for the majority have said how you feel. Matt is a nice guy and has responded to all of you criticisms. Myself, I am not a nice guy. I may seem nice in person, but I'm not. You can cry foul, you can call me names, you can tell me how much this website sucks. But guess what? I don't give a shit. If you don't like how we do things here I'm presenting an incredible option for you. Go find another website. There are plenty others out there, I'm sure they'd be more then happy to see you. We aren't asking anything absurd here, it's quite simple, please refrain from spraying in the route reporting section, if you do, you'll find your post gone. Pretty simple.
  17. Looks like we are missing a few icons. And old PMs are gone. We'll try to get that fixed on Tuesday.
  18. That is an awesome idea with the tele turn thing, I'll have try that out. So what do snowboarders do then, fall on their ass? I'm not sure about the cut off fins, I think they are just for strengthening your kick. If you are intersted in the upper body thing get some paddles, I've gained a lot of muscle in my arms, shoulders, and lats using these things and I've noticed increase power and stamina just putzing around in the climbing gym.
  19. I'm not sure if you are theoretically allowed to run stairs in the stadium but getting in is usually no problem. You can go to the east end of the stadium by the parking lot and usually the fence is open, if not try entering on the other side by the indoor practice facility. If none of that works you can enter through Hec Ed and go through the tunnel, just don't wear a Cougar sweatsuit!
  20. Moved to Access Issues Sisu. Nice fly fishing site btw, never seen that before. Unfortunately we will see more fees like this, more state parks are adding fees and more are closing completely. Pretty stupid to have to pay park in the dirt with no facilities a la Vantage. Unfortunately for fishers and climbers et. al., groups that aren't huge money makers like snowmobiling and RV Camper, we just don't have the lobbying power because we don't have the money. I'd rather see the Access Fund join the likes of the Sierra Club and other conservation groups with lobby power. I'd rather lose easy access then see more snowmobiles and dirt bikes. It's not clear to me though exactly what the motorized outdoor groups agenda is. Are they trying to get rid of fees or are they trying bring their facilities deeper in the forest and wilderness?
  21. I'm going to say it, you guys suck. Look at the first post in this thread. Look how much time and thought Matt put into his post. In my mind he surely doesn't have to justify what he did, let alone tell people that he was the one who did it. Yet after getting bashed he still comes out asking for your opinion. And just like you do on every other fucking thread on this board you spew your stupid shit. You guys are on my fucking shit list. Beware.
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