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Everything posted by Nitrox

  1. Nitrox

    "Spill. Baby. Spill"

    The Ralph Macchio News Hour sure is whiny.
  2. Nitrox


    Sucks getting old. At least you and Bill have each other.
  3. Nitrox

    "Spill. Baby. Spill"

    I know, I feel so told. Its j_b saddled by the man.
  4. "and five of the victims were shot either in the back of the head or in the back" Further proof that bringing knives and bats to a gun fight is a bad idea. Hopefully next time the Israelis won't fast rope onto a ship with LTL as primary.
  5. Where's Offwhite to point out your bigotry and antisemitism? More importantly, where is El Jefe, that staunch opponent of racism? Looks like Jew-Hater gets a pass. Why am I not surprised?
  6. Where's Offwhite to point out your bigotry and antisemitism?
  7. We can't, which is why we try to manipulate the situation to suit our best interests. Maybe Jordan needs to step up its efforts to relocate the Palestinians like they promised a half century ago? Palestinians are Jordanians Yet both are neither.
  8. We can't, which is why we try to manipulate the situation to suit our best interests. Maybe Jordan needs to step up its efforts to relocate the Palestinians like they promised a half century ago?
  9. Flotilla of Peace http://fotogaleri.hurriyet.com.tr/GaleriDetay.aspx?cid=36575&p=1&rid=2
  10. Nitrox

    "Spill. Baby. Spill"

    Oh, and you're a bit late on this one... Bullshit, the permits were rescinded because they made the news. As soon as the attention is off the permits will be reauthorized. Just like when the administration halted all oil production in the gulf but quietly issued waivers while no one was paying attention. You were one of those that condemned Bush for Katrina but are giving Obama a pass. At least Bush knew why his department secretaries were being forced to resign, Obama is just absent. I'm not much of a Bush fan but he acted a hell of a lot faster than Obama has and was not afraid to make a decision. Obama needs polling numbers before he can decide which way he's going to decide. Worse than Carter...now thats achievement.
  11. Yeah, and yet we're still not kicking cops out of coffee shops. Because we're more awesome. Anyway, seriously? You don't see anything hypocritical about preaching equal rights and acceptance, and then kicking a cop out of your shop? You just like to disagree with me. But, at least I got you to defend a liberal, so it's a win for me. Maybe not kick police out of coffee bars but Seattle police beat people for being Hispanic. If the Portland officer had been anything but white the narrative would have been about his race, not his occupation. Sure I see the hypocrisy. Both Liberals and Conservatives are similar in this regards. Its always about acceptance so long as they're not expected to accept anyone different than themselves. This forum is a perfect example. I think more than anything I'm just tired of hearing about people's hurt feelings. Who gives a fuck, find a different coffee bar, find a different restaurant, find a different whatever. Its not like there isn't a million options out there.
  12. Nitrox

    "Spill. Baby. Spill"

    Enough? Nah, they're watching the polls patiently waiting for the perfect opportunity to make it look like they did anything at all. In other news Barry approved some new gulf oil wells. http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100602/ap_on_bi_ge/us_gulf_oil_spill_new_well
  13. I don't see an issue. The business owner doesn't want to serve someone. He/she reserves the right to deny service to anyone. On the flip side, the business owner better not need the police. Seams like the issue will be self correcting at some point. However, I don't see how Rob is going to thumb his nose at Portland when Seattle has been getting more than its fair share of bad police PR. Maybe the Portland residents have been watching too much Seattle news and are worried about who they associate with? Dunno, the whole issue is childish.
  14. As opposed to Seattle where the police kiss babies and help old women across the street? [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkrHk99jkbc 15yo girl beaten by Seattle police Man in coma after Seattle police shove him head first into wall
  15. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LlkoxsEpODo
  16. Nitrox

    Al and Tipper!

    If you can't stand the heat...
  17. No, the article clearly states it was the guns fault.
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