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Everything posted by Nitrox

  1. Marijuana was banned in practice under the Marijuana Tax Act until Leary v. US (1969) at which time it was ruled that the Tax Act violated the 5th Amendment. Marijuana possession has been illegal since 1937.
  2. No shit? Well geez, who could have known...
  3. That's some DaVinci Code shit there. Call Nicholas Cage! Nick Cage was in DaVinci Code? I hope he got an Oscar cause he did a damn good job acting like Tom Hanks.
  4. You can't see MF from the parking lot but there are some pretty good view points on Hwy97 north of Terrebonne.
  5. Overlay Obama and Carter with the "comparison" tab. They trend nearly identically.
  6. Politics is a popularity contest. It doesn't matter how much the president sucks so long as people like him and the popularity can be translated into votes.
  7. Interesting comparisons. http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/presidential-approval-tracker.htm
  8. Don't kid yourself, BP was paying both side. http://www.capitolnewsconnection.org/?q=node/14779
  9. Seems to me the gear had limitations which is why they say do not use it on open slings, not use it carefully... The gear did not fail. The climber failed to correctly inspect and verify that their gear was set up correctly prior to climbing.
  10. From what I understand this wasn't a newbie climber or someone who didn't understand how their gear worked. Instead of dissing the accident as a lackadaisical approach to climbing maybe you could learn something from it. Climb long enough and the one thing you'll learn is that anyone can fuck up. Not dis'ing anyone. We all make mistakes, I think that is the point. The gear probably wasn't the limitation but rather how it was used.
  11. I get the point they make and I suppose it could happen but do people really not inspect their gear before they rack it? I think this is probably more of an issue with climbers who don't fully understand how to use their gear or lackadaisical preparation/staging/inspection. There are times when open slings are a must for long extensions.
  12. Nitrox

    Chimp raping a frog

    Interspecies Erotica.
  13. I don't care which party this guy is from, the story is interesting to me. I guess this isn't as salacious as Palin's alleged boob job.
  14. Hysterical! Informal campaign meetings and church rallies. Here he is interviewed by Keith Olbermann, very Bubba Gump'ish. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3036677/vp/37627925#37627925 Alvin Greene's name was listed first on the ballot and it appears that's why he won. I guess just showing up is half the battle.
  15. Kind of funny, some guy pops up out of nowhere and gets on the South Carolina Democratic ticket for the senate and wins...without running a single add or talking to a single person. Suddenly the establishment Democrats are up in arms claiming Republican plant. The best part, it looks like the guy is mostly a dirtbag and won by 30,000 votes. What's that say about the party supported candidate that lost or the voters? http://thehill.com/blogs/blog-briefing-room/news/102383-clyburn-says-sc-dem-senate-candidate-is-a-plant-calls-for-federal-probe :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
  16. Any Given Sunday and Endless Summer are always a good watch.
  17. There ya go, you get called to the carpet and out come the insults. You're a died in the wool hypocrite. You demand acceptance but judge everyone different from you. Its little wonder you have a hard time holding a marriage together. You must be a riot at Christmas...
  18. No you're not, you're a judgmental Jew-hater. The old "My best friend/family member is black/gay/jewish/whatever so I can't be racist/homophobic/antisemitic" play. Lame. Try coming up with a better excuse.
  19. Why work for Americorp when Barry keeps extending unemployment?
  20. Sure but coming from someone as antisemitic, anti religion, anti 2A, anti private health care as you and its just a laughable statement. The right and the left give themselves ample opportunity to stick their noses where they don't belong. Nuff said there.
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