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Everything posted by Nitrox

  1. Slam Dunk. Almost as obvious as reading the article in the OP.
  2. Nitrox

    "Spill. Baby. Spill"

    No, all those animals get that oil for free. ::
  3. Nor does being an ingrate Polack. I like how you're trying to change the subject away from your confusion of even the most basic text. Please quote the section of the article, or proposed bill, that says they (Republican lawmakers) are trying to invalidate US birth certificates as proof of citizenship. Dumbass, it's interpretation or precedence of the amendment. I realize this is over your head but the same recently happened with the 2nd amendment.
  4. Nitrox

    "Spill. Baby. Spill"

    Show me where I've ever said this. In fact, show me where Republicans have said this. I know that creating these straw men makes your world easier to digest. Maybe Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 (aka Gramm-Leach-Bliley) rings the bell? Passed under the Clinton administration. Do you see Gramm- Leach-Clinton? No? First of all I did not say Democrats are not free from guilt of deregulations of the 90's and 2000's. Second, even the administration was democratic, the congers was republican and had enough votes to override presidential veto. My point is that it is a share hypocrisy on part of FW and people on the right, when first they cry for a smaller government, yet they cry when shit hits the fan and they want the same government to fix things. I think comparing Katrina to the spill is an utter nonsense. Katrina was a natural desaster, which caused massive flooding. There were 1,836 people dead, many of them just due to slow response. There is 11 people dead in a industrial accident, caused by (what it looks like) corner cutting policies of BP. Yet BP is given a free pass and the current administration is being blamed for slow response? give me a fucking brake. Clinton was free to veto but did not. Legislation passed under the Clinton administration was/is owned by the Clinton administration. Even though the house and senate were Republican majorities it was still Clinton administration legislation. Just like how the house and senate were Democrat majorities the last two years of Bush and Bush got the credit/blame. The initial slow reaction time during Katrina was the fault of the local and state governments of Louisiana. Bush got the blame though. Accordingly Obama gets the blame for slow reaction times. Natural or man made, I see no real difference. If anything, since the oil spill took place at sea then the federal government probably has an even larger responsibility than during Katrina since there is no local contingency plan.
  5. Probably because: 1) You failed at reading comprehension and no one is trying to invalidate US birth certificates as a form of proof of citizenship. At least as far as that NPR article goes (I can't find a link to the proposed legislation in the article). 2) You just barely rolled off the boat from Poland. Having a sheet of paper saying you're now a citizen doesn't justify your smug attitude.
  6. Nitrox

    "Spill. Baby. Spill"

    Show me where I've ever said this. In fact, show me where Republicans have said this. I know that creating these straw men makes your world easier to digest. Maybe Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999 (aka Gramm-Leach-Bliley) rings the bell? Passed under the Clinton administration.
  7. So try crossing the border or getting a passport with your DD214. good luck! DD214 has nothing to do with proving your legal status in the US, so as far as proving your status is as good as a roll of toilet paper. Here is an example: U.S. birth certificate or registration of birth (must be original or certified copy, have a seal, and be issued by an authorized United States government agency such as the Bureau of Vital Statistics or State Board of Health. (Hospital issued certificates are not acceptable). Valid Passport (if foreign passport, must include appropriate U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) documents, as specified below). U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) documents (must be a valid unexpired document) as follows: Certificate of Naturalization Certificate of Citizenship Permanent Resident Card I-551 Stamp contained in valid foreign passport I-94 card contained in valid foreign passport Alien Registration Receipt card (Resident Alien Card) Temporary Resident card Employment Authorization card Refugee Travel document Now, see what I am talking about- if you don't consider a birth certificate a primary document then a vast majority of people in this country will be illegal, which is utterly absurd. I haven't read the proposed legislation but the NPR article doesn't say that the legislation would invalidate birth certificates. This leads me to believe that in order to receive a new birth certificate the parents would need to prove they are citizens (probably with their own birth certificates). The article also states that the objective is to create a piece of legislation in order to bring suit against the federal government to get a supreme court ruling on the 14th amendment. In other words, to have the current precedent reexamined through a supreme court ruling. I would think that you'd be a bit more humble considering the relatively short period of time you and you're family have been in this country. I would also think you'd pay a bit closer attention to the details if this subject is so important to you.
  8. At one point military service was considered a road to citizenship but the applicant had to be a legal resident of this country.
  9. Nitrox

    "Spill. Baby. Spill"

    Strange that you quasi-defend BP in this disaster, but waste no time heaping blame on the *democratic* administration, while simultaneously avoiding a perfect opportunity to distance yourself from frmr Pres. Bush and so improve your own credibility. Party politics. So transparent. Actually, I'm not sure I've ever heard you criticize frmr. Pres. Bush. Weird, isn't it? So, let's see some trash-talking about BP, FW. Put your money where your mouth is. I'd also accept a critique of a prominent republican politician. Or, are there NONE worthy of critiquing? Only democrats, right? The only difference between Katrina and the BP disaster (as far as the president goes) is that the oil spill took place at sea eliminating the city mayors hiding in hotel rooms and governors acting in absentia. Obama is about as responsible for the oil spill as Bush was for the hurricane. However, if Bush was to blame for the reaction to Katrina then Obama is to blame for the reaction to the oil spill.
  10. Is that a different stroke or just a regular one?
  11. No wonder you hate it. Flip the guide over and rap on the smooth side for ropes 10mm and larger. The V-notch works great on ropes smaller than 10mm.
  12. I use an BD ATC Guide and with larger diameter it has a lot of friction and is slow. However, with small diameter ropes it really works well.
  13. Only a first class moron doesn't know a deficit results when spending exceeds revenue.
  14. Remind me again, how do you get a deficit? Oh yeah, by spending too much. You're a clown.
  15. Yet you continue to try and foster this illusion that the Greek entitlement state isn't at the heart of the issue.
  16. Wrong anaology. Greece is what lies at the bottom of the grave that the western entitlement state has dug for itself. There is no escape for Greece. I'm merely suggesting that we might want to stop digging before we join them there. Greece with 40% of its GDP generated in the parallel/underground economy is a western entitlement state? I'd say that Greece is more like the neoliberal nations that have most of their economies in the parallel casino economy (you know, as in dubious swaps and bets not traded publicly)) Well no kidding. Imagine, an over burdening tax system that creates incentive to pay bribes instead of the actual taxes. You don't see the failure? The producers are tired of paying for the recipients. Greece is doomed with their current system.
  17. Just unplug your computer. It'll be a win/win for everyone.
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