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Everything posted by Nitrox

  1. Nitrox


    Obama saved the gulf today!
  2. Clearly the government isn't getting the entire 8 hours it paid j_b for today.
  3. Nitrox

    Mama Grizzlies

    [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x0dM7fR1WQ Kill some white babies...and then punch a woman! [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYDbYWCil-g
  4. I bet your brow gets are twisted as you bite your lip and feverishly bang the keyboard while screaming "THOSE MOTHERFUCKING REGRESSIVE SHILLS!".
  5. She's just saying that, the truth is she has been seeing a nice white haired guy from the senior center and doesn't want j_b walking in on them any more.
  6. Seems like he's arguing for getting the state out of the business of annointing "marriages" all together. Man and woman, two chicks, two dudes - everybody gets the same piece of paper. If you want your marriage blessed by whatever cult/deity/collective that's your business, not the state's. You've apparently contracted Nitrox's disorder. 'Marriage' IS a civil contract. Hence, you know, the term 'marriage license'. Religiosity is optional...and the state already doesn't give a shit about that component, other than to authorize church members (as it does secular folks) to perform the ceremony. Religion is irrelevant to both the court cases posted and this discussion in general. I would guess TrailerMan brought it up due to confusion and/or the undeniable urge to counter with something, anything, whenever I post. Marriage is both a religious ceremony and a civil contract, the later being relatively new in comparison. Marriage predates US law by only a few thousand years. However, you as an atheist want to encourage the government hijacking of marriage because it helps get rid of religion. I'm actually for gay marriage, but people like you just end up turning off the average person with your abrasive behavior.
  7. Spare us the drivel. Nobody needs to be reminded of the justification behind the voodoo economics that led to the present economic fiasco. Every single measure proposed by the Chamber of Commerce has been fully implemented for the last 30+ years. You guys are the true DEAD-ENDERS. I hope you built those walls high enough.
  8. GEE! THANKS FOR THESE VERY INTERESTING LATE-BREAKING DEVELOPMENTS! Read it twice, I bet you'll learn something new.
  9. Nitrox

    fucking idiots

    Who discriminated against the whites? TTK's inlaws, they hate white douchebags.
  10. Nitrox

    fucking idiots

    Who discriminated against the whites? Why, lots of people discriminate against whites, all the time. White people are constantly having their jobs taken away from them, by people who aren't white. Indians and Japanese and Chinese and Koreans, and don't get me started on those Mexicans - taking white people's jobs left and right. And they call us names, too, you know, like "whitey" and "honky" and stuff like that. I myself was once called a "WASP". Think about that - "White Anglo-Saxon Protestant" is about as rascist as it gets. Why single out just the white anglo-saxons, huh? If that isn't discrimination, I don't know what is. No-one ever says a word about the black anglo-saxons, or the arab anglo-saxons, or the chinese anglo-saxons. No, it's only the white anglo-saxons. That's discrimination: we're being systematically singled out from all the other anglo-saxons just because we're white, and I for one am about fed up with it. Well get your anarchist WASP, BASP, MASP, JASP, KASP, CASP, and AASP buddies and burn your local Quickee Mart down! Fuckall, its your goddamned right and probably free speech too! Its not your fault, you've been oppressed and shit 50 years ago! On second thought, matches and gas should be free, burn the gas station down too!
  11. I don't want to be a total wet blanket, if this means you can finally have your soul mate I'm happy for you.
  12. You and your buddies are trying your damnedest to force the gays into government sponsored religious ceremonies. Seams strange and illogical. If I had to guess I'd say its probably because the ACLU and the vocal minority of gays that want to get "married" don't think they could get enough support to revoke the unions performed by the state for straight couples. I know Rob is joking but I don't think there should be state sanctioned marriage. Last I checked marriage has always been "in the eyes of god". Straights and gays should get the same civil union unless performed in a church, which the state should stay out of. Anyway, congrats on your victory...I guess.
  13. Nitrox

    fucking idiots

    Every group has had its turn being discriminated against in the US (whites too). However, there isn't as much money and power pimping racism with American Indians/Native Americans as there is with Blacks and Latinos. I didn't see you getting involved in the voter intimidation issue with those idiots in Philly, you'd think that's the sort of thing a freedom fighter like yourself would take an interest in.
  14. Nitrox

    fucking idiots

    It took you two days to come back with the standard ACLU line? It runs in the same vein as my comments on Glen Beck, if you really wanted "racism" to go away you'd make less of an issue out of it. But. you don't want racism to go away, it keeps race hustlers in power and it keeps the ACLU in money. It's little wonder why the crime rates are so high for blacks, they are constantly reminded that they are not responsible for their own actions because they are perpetual victims. Its been a long time since Jim Crow, minorities are afforded every opportunity (and more in some cases) of whites. The richest woman in the US and the President are black. I may not like Obama but he came from nothing and now look where he is, same goes for Oprah. Anyone who wants to blame "The Man" for his/her problems IS the problem. The very first person to bring up race was you TTK, a member of the ACLU. Its clear you wanted to make this about race and spark an argument. You're as predictable as ever throwing the race card.
  15. I didn't think liberals wanted more integration of church and state.
  16. Beck is an entertainer, he says whatever he thinks will get his audience to come back. Strangely, conservatives and liberals alike keep coming back for more. His competitors seam to even hang on his every last word. Yup. If someone really hated Beck the best way to get even with him would be to completely ignore him. Talking about him simply drives traffic to his show and his advertisers by extension (who pay for him to be on). People call Beck crazy but he is at the top of his game and dwarf liberal personalities like Madow and Olbermann in ratings. I personally find the entire category boring and hypocritical.
  17. Nitrox

    fucking idiots

    So do the American Indians, Chinese, Irish, Japanese, Italians, Poles, etc. Which group should get top billing for the liberal great white guilt extra special citizen rights?
  18. Beck is an entertainer, he says whatever he thinks will get his audience to come back. Strangely, conservatives and liberals alike keep coming back for more. His competitors seam to even hang on his every last word.
  19. Nitrox

    fucking idiots

    No one puts baby in a corner.
  20. Yep, late April this year. Gatoraid bottle.
  21. Nitrox

    Ninja Say What?

  22. Nitrox

    Biggest Sprayer?

    Did you know this is Dru's girl before the unfortunate weight gain? The picture doesn't indicate if she has braided taint hair so I wasn't certain.
  23. Holy Shit! Soccer is about money! WHO EVER WOULD HAVE THOUGHT THAT! You mean like all professional sports? Oh lawdy lawd!!!!
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