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Everything posted by Nitrox

  1. Eating bad pussy. [video:youtube]
  2. Sorry, SK requested an embargo via the UN and has suspended all trade and is restricting NK maritime travel through SK controlled waters. You seem especially sensitive today, did you forget to take your Beano?
  3. If SK and NK get into a shooting war we'll be dragged into it by virtue of our presence in SK. I'm not blaming anything on anyone, we have a military presence in SK but I doubt anyone really wants to get in the middle of another war.
  4. Obama is bracing for possible aggression after SK issue an embargo against NK. http://www.reuters.com/article/idUSTRE64N0ZT20100524?feedType=RSS&feedName=topNews&utm_source=World+News&utm_medium=twitter&utm_campaign=Feed:+reuters/topNews+(News+/+US+/+Top+News)&utm_content=Google+Feedfetcher Looks like its heating up. We have a large military presence over there still so we could get dragged into that too.
  5. If the federal government enforced the laws, those cucumbers you love to put in your anus would quadruple in price. You sound like a Republican Corporate Regressive Shill.
  6. Democrats and Republicans are light on doing, this problem has been going on for over 30 years. We have existing laws on the federal level but don't enforce them. The outrage at AZ's new law is just another excuse to whine and do nothing.
  7. Illegal aliens are afforded due process in the US. In Mexico all that is needed for deportation of an illegal (or legal) alien is an executive order.
  8. What's good for the goose is not actually good for the gander: [video:youtube] If you enter Mexico illegally the Mexican police can do what ever is necessary to determine the citizenship status. If you are caught in Mexico illegally you are sent home without due process. Wow, I can't believe what racists we are.
  9. I think you're likely to see the Euro in its current form collapse. Greece had to con their way in and now that they've had to be honest its obvious that there is major problems.
  10. deviantclip dot com has all manner of dykes. Bill knows his porn.
  11. It certainly explains j_b's posts.
  12. No, its just you. I happen to agree with some of the members here. I have yet to see you post anything original. You're a one trick pony.
  13. I didn't bother reading your first article. I don't really care what your cut and pastes have to say. You're pretty much only good for entertaining me with colorful name calling.
  14. Moar Regressive than Regressive! Moar Regressive than Regressive!
  15. Nitrox

    Go Cal!

  16. I called in a favor and got some footage of TTK trying to blend in. [video:youtube]
  17. Otherwise known as Liberal Democracy, blah blah blah.
  18. Nope, Representative Republic. If the US were a true democracy then you wouldn't see laws passed that lack majority support.
  19. The US has never been a democracy. Makes you kind of wonder about ol' Dave Lindorff.
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