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Everything posted by Nitrox

  1. Did you go out Daggering?
  2. I'm going climbing, you have fun at your little sword fight.
  3. Nitrox

    Summer got here

    You didn't see the pack on Mt. Washington, did you?
  4. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ULjCSK0oOlI
  5. Find a local machinist to ream out the hole in the cam lobe.
  6. Doesn't that cause stretch marks around your mouth?
  7. Nothing if you like attention as a victim.
  8. Poor wittle, j_b, come here and tell me whats bothering your extra-sensitive side. Whiny little girl
  9. Life long victim, boohoohoohooohoohoo
  10. You're so intimidating j_b.
  11. Don't forget to wipe your chin.
  12. Yet Barry continues to ignore all of your so called "experts" in favor of staying Bush's coarse. I bet its gotta sting knowing you voted for him but you got another Bush (albeit with a better tan).
  13. He's doing what he does best, flapping his lips and pointing his finger. Zebras don't change their stripes.
  14. I can't believe Obama hired another General when he could have gotten j_b's expert advice right here for free.
  15. Maybe if Tipper had spent more time being fun instead of trying to police the recording industry Al wouldn't be out looking for happy endings from massage therapists. I think the entire green movement breathed a sigh of relief that Al even has an interest in women.
  16. The tax act required the possessor to make a tax payment for a stamp, however the government required the marijuana to be in hand to get the stamp...but possession without the stamp was illegal. The Marijuana Tax Act made possession without registration tax evasion, just like the National Firearms Act of 1934 (which the MTA was modeled after). Again, possession was illegal from the inception of the MTA in 1937 to 1969 when Timothy Leary sued the federal government because the MTA violated the 5th amendment for self incrimination.
  17. Soliciting drugs on the internet, what could go wrong?
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