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Everything posted by Nitrox

  1. Brother...I am as left wing as they come but, it is also the responsibility of the person who "agrees" to the job being offered to say yes or no to it for whatever $$$$ is agreed upon. That is capitalism. On the other hand run-away capitalism is a bad thing. You're beginning to sound like a "regressive".
  2. Well no shit, what a revelation. Why don't you just come out and admit you're a communist?
  3. But JayB, when a public employee's union gets a public official elected they deserve to get a pay raise, don't they?
  4. I see your ROTFL and raise you a LOL... You especially went from dishonestly implying the wealthy returned more of their take than in the past to merely saying the wealthy now pay a greater proportion of taxes than those who have little to nothing. DUH! The truth is over the last 30+ years, tax rates have fallen most for the wealthy as they took an even greater share of the pie (the wealthiest had the largest decrease in tax rates). Moreover, a) your charts do not account for sales taxes, fees and payroll taxes that have almost all increased for people who work to earn a living, and b) tax evasion thanks to undeclared income. If it's "their" money why should they return it? I have to admit, you made me laugh by claiming quantifiable statistics are irrelevant because of some incalculable and non existent data.
  5. So the Chinese can't tell each other apart?
  6. Remind me again who you are to decide which people and corporations get to keep their own money?
  7. Nitrox


  8. Hmmm, Commies vs Mulim Extremists. It's like Aliens vs Predators only with a slower ending. Both are shitheads with a history of killing each other's women and children, not sure I'd jump up and down to pick a side. They deserve each other.
  9. Even Jesus plays second fiddle to an internet shit fight.
  10. Nitrox

    Mama Grizzlies

    You seem to really care what Fox News does and says. Are you this sensitive?
  11. so you think nobody will notice you edited my post? Let's just say that your logic sucks and that your selective outrage at name calling on this board isn't fooling anybody. Your giving support to the racist scumbags isn't going unnoticed either. Haha, Bill he's gonna remember this! What a douche nozzle.
  12. Nope: You are a presumptions dick an a serial namecaller....period. Of course, Fairweather, she could have just as been a Christian, which make you a presumptions dick as well......which probably just makes me a hater....hmmm. ______________________________________________________________ Breaking newz! Wait, checking another story does call her a "Devout Muslim" {The devout Muslim mother claimed Aminat came at her with a knife in her sewing room, where she prayed several times a day. } So the updated CC.com version of this story makes me misinformed...and a hater, Fairweather well read, and jb is still a dick. Todays analyst is a happy camper anyway. TA ta all. ! She's a Chechen Muslim extremist. As much as I dislike communists Putin sure knew how to deal with a Chechen rebel. Canada needs to sack up.
  13. Oh, well since you put it that way...
  14. Its amusing to watch someone who hates religion call others "Islamophobes".
  15. Busy making excuses for people as usual.
  16. All Muslims are brown? Chechens? Not true. Better check your own values, junior. Add one 14 year old Canadian girl to Islam's grim tally. Its only racism if "brown people" are involved.
  17. Chechens are a peaceful people! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moscow_theater_hostage_crisis
  18. Maybe some day you'll get new material, but I doubt it.
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