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Everything posted by Nitrox

  1. Remind me which president bought two auto manufacturers and a few banks?
  2. No, this off your rocker... [video:youtube]
  3. Nitrox

    WOO HOO!

    Tequila shooterz!!! Nineteen of 'em! :brew: :brew: :brew: :brew: :brew: :brew: :brew: :brew: :brew: Then wrestle the bear and make out with the bar maid?
  4. You only need a few slings and a few medium'ish hexes and nuts. They're short pitches so you'll only place four or five pieces total. I'd take extra webbing and rap rings in case the stuff up there gets cut.
  5. Cause they rapin' everybody out heah! "We're coming for you, Homeboy!"
  6. No argument, I have three for the wife and kids. I needed larger gear loops so I replaced it.
  7. Supplies are running out, first come first served?
  8. I agree on the Reverso, but I hate my BD Momentum harness... Maybe mine is defective, but the leg loops will never stay put and always get loose quickly (yes, I know how to double back the webbing). Last week, I get to the top of a climb and almost tripped over one leg loop that had come completely undone while I was climbing. Could have taken a looooong ride as I had run the whole easy pitch out. I also don't like how small the gear loops are. Just my two cents... My BD Momentum AL harness is going up for sale next week. They're made well and are good for beginners but lack a lot of features of higher end harnesses. Certainly good for the money.
  9. From my experience "hillbillys" and "shit kickers" don't repel down rock faces to clean off gear left behind by someone else.
  10. Nitrox

    iPhone 4

  11. Funny you mention that, that woman weighed around 650lbs and is the fattest in GB? That doesn't really rate compared to our heavies I don't think. Maybe hooray for soshulyzed medicyne? Hmmmmmm
  12. That's it, all you Deep-Shits are on THE list!
  13. I just think he could possibly be a nice person if he'd stop being such a mean spirited- projecting attack assclown on about every thread he posts on. .... nah. Maybe not. Maybe its all the random men he's been letting pump his throat down at the rest-stop?
  14. Thank you! In fact I haven't been playing with jb for long and had forgotten it. Isn't that 2 words.... "Cock Stain". A full sentence as jb might use it in his political discourse threads to help people understand his viewpoint might then be "you fucking fuckwit jackass Cock Stain." I will defer to Ivan as he is a teacher and will know this. "Assclown" is always popular too.
  15. Nope, France has had enough of the religion, or at least all the shit it brings along with it. Or would you rather we discuss how much you hate Israel (Jews)?
  16. Sadly, it's you and your not-so-alter-ego Prole who is the racist fuck. Weren't you the one who, not so long ago, posted a picture of Jewish leaders dressed as Nazis all gathered around a map table of the middle east? In any event, I'll admit to a thorough intolerance of Islam and its followers. Not exactly racist, but whatever--not much different than the Christian-bashing that flows freely here with nary a peep from the likes of OffWhite. The days of libtards like yourself shutting down discussion with false accusations of racism are fading fast. sadly enough your initial statement shows just plain lack of knowledge and understanding of the history and status of the area of any kind. and endorsing a genocide of any kind maybe doesn't make you a racist, but certainly puts you into "asshole" category. Well as it turns out France is sick of Muslims too.
  17. Another high water mark in socialized medicine. We have much to learn from Europe (and England)!
  18. You may be onto something considering rob's apparent fixation on his dick. Its not unreasonable of Rob, you do seam to have a large mouth and an unnatural desire to share with others.
  19. What happens when the collective bargaining (or leveraged bargaining) of a union creates a wage that makes the end product uncompetitive in the market place? What happens when a public workers union gets a public official elected and then it comes time to bargain for said union's wages? If you think large corporations have exploited the workforce then I could easily build a case that large unions have not only exploited the worker but also the large corporations. Large unions have milked corporations dry and then left the works unemployed when the company couldn't (or wouldn't) afford them any more. Public employees unions fit in this bill as well, coffers filled to the brim but refuse to cover the union members they forced to go on strike. Coffers so full they could donate enough to swing an election. Coffers so full but won't cover the pay raise they scream for in a budgetary deficit. j_b isn't espousing fair wages though, he's got his eyes set on wage control and socialized industry. He just won't admit it because then he loses the support of normal left leaning people. Why do you think he has hinted at "reasonable restrictions" on free speech? Its all just part in parcel.
  20. Probably fake like the news report about the place that offered hunting trips to shoot strippers with a paint gun.
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