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Everything posted by Nitrox

  1. so what's your point? Three or four blocks away isn't ground zero. The location can't even be seen from "ground zero".
  2. I haven't been following this thread too close but you guys realize the proposed Mosque would be three or four blocks away from ground zero, right?
  3. What do you expect? The media is a bunch of lazy whores.
  4. Nitrox


    Nah, he lifted Carrol O'Connor's wallet and didn't get the firehose.
  5. The other option is Civil Unions for anyone (gay and straight) not wed via an ordained minister. It gets government out of religious ceremonies.
  6. Rob, if two women get married how will the court know which one to fuck when they get divorced?
  7. I'd rather see a list of 10 reasons why the government should be involved in any kind of marriage.
  8. Oregon is apparently another dramatic outlier relative to the graph, since"...$3 of every $4 state government spends [is]going to salaries and benefits..." http://www.oregonlive.com/politics/index.ssf/2010/08/can_oregon_downsize_state_gove.html Thats a regressive shill site funded by banksters.
  9. FS. Black Diamond Venom Ice Axe (Hammer). 57CM. Have had it for 6 months but have never used it. The axe is new without tags, has never left the shelf. Comes with the included leash. $85 shipped. Paypal (+4%) or Postal Money order. SPF
  10. Trip: Mt. Jefferson - South Ridge Date: 8/21/2010 Trip Report: Long, Tedious, Choss Pile! Went up with a friend on Friday night. Got a bit of a late start and didn't leave the trailhead until 4:00pm. We camped at Shale lake as result, which ended up working out well because we could filter water and didn't have to carry the packs any further. I didn't sleep well Friday night so we got a late start (again) and left at 5:00am. We had a clear route planned but deviated on the fly and went up the gully between the southwest ridge and west ridge. The trail is marked with a cairn every 10 feet (seriously, it is kind of weird). The choss climb up to the saddle sucked bad but we maintained a steady pace. We reached the Red Saddle at about 10:00am. There was still snow on the traverse but the sun hadn't hit it yet so it was still solid. We brought rope and pickets but decided not to use them, just crampons and ice axes. It took us less than a half hour to make the traverse and gain the final scramble, we dropped our gear at the end of the traverse. Once to the scramble I forgot what the easy route was so I climbed up under the rap slings. I'd estimate it to be a low 5th class but felt comfortable so I didn't bother with going back to get gear. I didn't want to down climb the same section so we looked a little harder for the easy down climb and went down that way. We only spent a few minutes up top. Once off the rocks we made our way back across the traverse which was now in the sun and softening up. It still felt comfortable without pro but had I been crossing it on the initial traverse in this condition I'd have protected due to post-holing at the very end. Still in control, mind you, but it was rapidly becoming too soft. We were off the saddle and headed down by noon. We went down as quickly as we could and hit camp by 2:45pm. At this point we decided not to stay the last night so we filtered water, ate the dinners we had, and tore down the tent. We had everything packed and were jogging out by 3:45pm. We made it to the car by 5:00pm (7.5mi I think). Coffee and Lemon Meringue pie at the Marion Lake restaurant. Gear Notes: Carried: Rope, Pickets, a few wired nuts, Harness (w/biners), Ice Axe, Crampons. Used: Crampons and Ice Axe. Approach Notes: Lightweight boots or approach shoes are a must. I went light and my feet are still wrecked...need new boots!
  11. From the Obama World Apology Tour:
  12. Nitrox


    Still better than the old man righty If by better you mean "stayed in the same wars" and "spent us into oblivion", then yes, B-HO has done a "better" job. B-HO: the true "McSame"
  13. The Whitehouse wants you to know Barack is still a Christian...despite the bowing, hand holding, and appearances at Ramadan festivities. http://www.lasvegassun.com/news/2010/aug/19/white-house-says-obama-is-christian-prays-daily/ Strange that Barry feels the need to send out a press release, it comes across desperate and defensive. Oh well, at least now that its out of the way he can get back to his election campaign.
  14. His boyfriend doesn't work there any longer so its ok to change with the political winds.
  15. Fortunately we still have your credibility to rely on...oh wait.
  16. Your dream is coming true, Jay. There have been hiring freezes and budget cuts imposed on agencies across the board for the last year and a half or so, maybe longer. The demands on these agencies haven't gone down, though, so salaried workers are working uncompensated overtime and temporary employees that are not entitled to benefits are doing work that used to be performed by career employees. You wouldn't be "aware" of it, though, because the State agencies are largely run by dedicated people who are struggling to do their jobs, and they are not busy spewing a bunch of political hoo hah such as what you have apparently been reading. If its such a punishing a job then the employees can just quit and take their skills elsewhere. Surely a private company would be in need of such selfless, dedicated, and highly trained personnel. From the sound of your post I'd bet they'd get paid more too, right?
  17. Nitrox

    fucking awesome

    I see, so Mr. Slater loves Jetblue so much that when he has a bad day he decides to use the emergency inflatable ramp (which costs thousands to replace and re-certify). He's never going to work in aviation again so maybe now is his opportunity to use his 50 weeks of unemployment benefits to go to beauty school.
  18. I think you logged into the wrong account j_b.
  19. So you're against Obama care?
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