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Everything posted by Nitrox

  1. How about we cut spending and give everyone some tax relief?
  2. Dang, looks like its gonna be wet tomorrow. Was planning on being out there so we'll see what happens but right now it is really coming down.
  3. Of course you don't want to bring anything else up, it deflates your bag of wind. As bad? They're peas in a pod. Both sides do the same shit and rubes like you act as though one is right while the other is wrong.
  4. http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-503544_162-20015870-503544.html Haven;t you been paying attention? The bush tax cuts are expiring, and the democrats are prepared to extend them for everyone making below $250,000 (basically 96-98% of Americans, depending on who you ask). The republicans are blocking this, and will allow all tax cuts to expire, including the middle class (who DO pay taxes, Nitrox, you should wipe the shit out of your ears) unless the top 4% of all american's also get tax cuts. In other words, if the extreme rich don't get tax cuts, NOBODY does. And of course the republicans are crying about how these poor fuckers, the top 4% of ALL WAGE EARNERS, are being sooooo mistreated. Give me a break, they'll get a 3-6% tax hike. it's not even really a hike, IT'S WHAT THEY WERE PAYING BEFORE BUSH. And they're gonna fuck us all unless their fat-cat eunuch brothers get some of the pie. Fuck the republicans. Shittiest thing they've done in a while. Stupid as fucking party politics, they just HAVE to oppose whatever the democrats do, right or wrong. The dems are no better, but this thread isn't about them, it's about the pube-flossing inbred shitheads that are holding america hostage because their friend's trough isn't big enough. Fuck shit crap. Suck it up, Barry's in office and he triple-downed on the stupid of Bush. The Dems shouldn't have been pompous assfuckers over healthcare, makes it hard to suddenly act like they're victims in all of this. Boofuckinghoo, whiner.
  5. So everyone deserves health care but not everyone deserves a tax break? How could those who don't pay enough taxes (and evade them as much as possible) deserve a tax break? How could those that don't pay taxes deserve a tax break?
  6. I got a good chuckle out of this thread.
  7. Nitrox


    Regurgitating racist propaganda is racism. who the fucks care if we can't tell the difference? Dude. Dial it down. His goes up to 11. There's a fine line between brilliance and stupidity.
  8. We all have examples. The ones that stick in my mind about the private sector are the systematic favoring at promotion time of the old boys who didn't do squat, and the favoring of show offs who didn't know squat. Very similar to the pecking order found in high school. We can talk about improving the public sector but public sector employees aren't responsible for the deficit created by the policies of the looting party. I can only assume you worked at Burger King because I work in the private sector and that has never been the case. I think you're either making it up or cherry picking to support your broad assumption.
  9. Now we know how you managed to ever find someone to marry you.
  10. Actually there is. Assuming there is even close to the same amount of Harvard grads in public sector jobs as community college grads is just plain foolish. On average Ivy league educations earn more and fill those evil regressive corporate shill type jobs you so loathe. Shaquanda the DMV counter worker didn't go to Princeton.
  11. I think you are reading it wrong. For far too long have representatives acted outside the interest of their constituents (Republicans and Democrats). I don't think that it matters if the candidate is further right or left, just not the incumbent. FWIW I think you'll see the GOP get behind these new candidates rather quickly since they have no choice. I also don't think it'll help Democrats unless they can turn the economy around between now and November.
  12. Nitrox

    Liberal Tricks!

    Did someone say bank bailout?
  13. Nitrox

    Liberal Tricks!

    As opposed to the Democrats who continue to lie even after the jury finds them guilty? I know, the Democrats are just lying and taking bribes for the good of the people.
  14. No Republican votes were needed. Obama made the mistake of thinking the opposition would be needed. The opposition made the mistake of proving him wrong. As opposed to what, going along with something that they didn't want? Can't say the same for Democrats who openly took payoffs in exchange for a yay. The VA suit isn't going so hot for Obama-care, probably going to blow up in Obama's face even worse.
  15. what's really rich is that "pay to play" (user fees) has become generalized in direct response to tax cuts advocated and won by the so-called "small government" (cough, cough) crowd that has been in charge for the last 30+ years. Do try to be consistent. While giving props to the program at Denali the fact remains that, at its core, it is an unnecessary governmental endeavor. Calling for smaller government while decrying the cost/benefit ratio of a pay-to-play scheme that isn't needed to begin with is not inconsistent at all. Do we really need an expensive government enclave at 14,000 feet? They really need the union up there, just think how bad the conditions are for those poor government employees at 14,000. They probably should do a three year study and then have union reps write a contract with all the necessary safeguards.
  16. Nitrox

    Liberal Tricks!

    Do you people whine like this in real life?
  17. Nitrox

    God vs. Allah

    Looks like this pimply face dipshit is twice the man as Prole (his nagging mom too). [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9SE01DrZKw&feature=related
  18. Nitrox

    God vs. Allah

    I don't think you can ruin a day for anyone except your family.
  19. Nitrox

    Liberal Tricks!

    Now the Mexicans know what its like to live in Detroit.
  20. You just gotta keep your eyes peeled. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180546442040&ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT#ht_782wt_1133
  21. Bump for some good boots and air mattress.
  22. Nitrox

    San Bruno fire

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