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Everything posted by Pete_H

  1. If you go please tell all the pad people that bouldering zones aren't campgrounds / drum circle areas / bonfire party zones, etc. Back in the days of Larry the Tool I used to loath him, but at least he kept the order and the riff raff out.
  2. Fixed for ya! Its ironic. The more you promote Ron Paul and cheesy guitar butt rock the more I hate both of them.
  3. You're better off to just keep driving N on 97 and check out climbing around Omak.
  4. John Candy. Definitly John Candy.
  5. Nice work on a somewhat obscure gem. 4600 vf for two pitches is brutal even by Washington standards. I'm waiting until they build a tram before I go back up there.
  6. Pete_H

    Lazy Guidebook Authors

    Yeah Rob you better go diddle a few kids before you can complain that pedophiles and catholic priests are shitbags.
  7. Looks like a great trip. I'm stoked foy you guys! Looks a little luxurious for Rolf though.
  8. You're right I got 'em backwards. Nice job.
  9. Looks like you guys climbed the North East Buttress Couloir on Colchuck, not the NBC.
  10. In Europe, with a bike and public transport you can pretty much get anywhere. Another thing they've got better than us.
  11. I'm going to use some science to build a robot that can kick your ass.
  12. Balance is the key for those high glycemic index foods. For example, you should be eating cheese and perhaps some cured meats with your bagette and drinking a nice red.
  13. I think if you don't have access to a climbing gym, or maybe even if you do, there are certain exercises that x-fit embraces which will help your technical climbing fitness, such as rings. But alpine climbing involves moving for long periods of time which x-fit doesn't account for. So I guess John and I agree on that point.
  14. Not really. X fit workouts are too short and too weight-lifting intensive. If you couldn't get into the mountains to train you'd be better off putting a weighted pack on and running hills and going to the climbing gym - its way more relevant.
  15. Pete_H


    Why don't you sell your spleen to the highest bidder and find out.
  16. That sounds lame.
  17. Wall Street gave Obama 7 mill in the last election cycle. Perhaps that has something to do with it. Ironically, Wall Street isn't as enamored with him this go 'round. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/05/06/magazine/obamas-not-so-hot-date-with-wall-street.html?_r=1&hp
  18. First pitch of Lamplighter / Heaven's Gate.
  19. The 2nd and 3rd pitches are 5.10. You can access them from Thin Fingers. Walter B has one bouldery .11 move but the crux is 5.10 fingers in a corner.
  20. Walter B with direct start 2nd and 3rd pitches of Narrow Arrow
  21. Wal-Mart pup tent. Duh.
  22. How 'bout Spaghetti Sauce and The Arch. Two good 5.8's right next to each other and right off the road.
  23. Whole grains make you poop better.
  24. Pete_H


    Aim high.
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