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Everything posted by Pete_H

  1. Pete_H

    MY CD

    He might be waiting a long while.
  2. Pete_H

    Real Question

    Can you imagine how much it costs the government to try and educate kids as dumb as Kevbone?
  3. Pete_H


    Is "Sandias granite" near renton?
  4. Looks like it was good about a week ago http://www.turns-all-year.com/skiing_snowboarding/trip_reports/index.php?topic=25517.0 Some more good beta: http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/1078237/Mt_Baker_Coleman_Glacier_condi#Post1078237
  5. Do they give the interns glocs or do they have to share one?
  6. You think that's hard, try reading your nauseating posts without wretching.
  7. Just depends on how loosely you interpret the term "beta."
  8. Yeah, stupid Constitutional Democracy. Checks and Balances and Separation of Powers - what pointless ideas. citizens united- now that is your idea of checks and balances? people writing a constitution did not have a clue about modern media, corporate culture, money in the politics of modern era, lobbying. If they had, they would be prophets predicting future. how the fuck can supreme court decide about constitutionality of something, that did not exist 200 years ago. Just because you, or I, don't agree with the Court's decision on one case doesn't mean the whole concept of an independent judiciary is flawed. Do you think the system is failed when considering many of the Court's other landmark decisions, such as Brown v. Board of Education, New York Times v. Sullivan, Miranda v. Arizona, etc.?
  9. Yeah, stupid Constitutional Democracy. Checks and Balances and Separation of Powers - what pointless ideas.
  10. Check the forecast just before you guy and find out about freezing temp's and wind speed, etc. In general, I you're be OK with a 50 degree and a bivy sack unless its exceptionally cold. On these volcanoes you need to plan for a fairly wide range of temp's due to elevation and wind. You may be hiking up in shorts but on the summit you'll probably want pants, a mid layer, and maybe a lightweight puffy. You can also wear this stuff when you sleep if you need.
  11. Pete_H

    Poor Me.

    Maybe while you're at it you can get together and compare your vaginas too.
  12. Demonstration promoted by Santorum and Huckabee. Exactly why a lot of people have a hard time voting for republicans even if they tend to agree with them on other matters.
  13. I meant the climb, not the climbers!
  14. An oldy but a goody. Nice job guys!
  15. What's wrong with being lazy?
  16. Climbing-wise its definitly not as good as the Sierra.
  17. Pete_H


    I think your missing the point.
  18. The climbers' trail going up to Temple is on the looker's left from Nada Lake. That wouldn't be a bad loop but I don't think its too much to expect to score a ride back to Snow Crk.
  19. You could do the route you describe just depends on how much you like off-trail travelling. In the summer its not too hard to hitchhike back to Mtneer's Crk from Snow Crk though.
  20. Pete_H


    Bill, you are a tool.
  21. Pete_H


    You'll feel better after you kill your parents.
  22. When I really got into climbing in the 90's, it was the Yosemite climbers of the 70's and 80's we were trying to emulate (in climbing and partying). They seemed to always use gear slings, so I started using one. I still think it looks cool and it makes sense on longer routes, especially in the mountains. But then again I never climbed anything too hard. Bt I did climb a lot of sketchy 5.10 using a gear sling.
  23. You post the most irrelevent fucking photos.
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