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Everything posted by Pete_H

  1. Pete_H


    If you had kicked his ass you probably would have had a better chance of taking the girl home though.
  2. Pete_H


    I would have used my sweet nun-chuck skills or bowstaff skills on him. Maybe just telling him which dojo I train at would have scared him off.
  3. Yeah and there's probably ten 200 page threads on supertaco about whether Colorado or Utah or California is better for climbing.
  4. If climbing, especially year-round climbing, is your top priority I wouldn't move to Washington.
  5. Renton.
  6. Pete_H

    Sobo's Updates...

    Maybe you can start the first chapter of the Kandahar Climbing Club.
  7. Pete_H

    What's next

    Looks like a great resource Jon. Thanks. I'd use a mobile app but I don't think my 10-year-old flip phone would support it.
  8. Pete_H

    never mind

    It seems like whenever you'd go down to Classic Crack on a busy weekend there'd be throngs of gapers attempting to thrutch up the route and inevitably sliding down in failure. Which is why the lower 10 feet of the route is, indeed, polished. Now, though, I rarely see people on the route. I think with the development and hype of so many short, easy and friendly face climbs beginners have spread out at places like Playground Point and such.
  9. Pete_H

    never mind

    There's actually people out there who boulder without crashpads too. Without crashpads their feet are touching the ground and polishing the meadows. They must be stopped!
  10. Last Sunday it was dry for about 1.5 miles up, then snow.
  11. Sounds like the sorta thing you'd find at Grocery Outlet.
  12. That's also what you tell the sorority girls.
  13. Definitly stoked to go back and do some rock routes. And more skiing too, of course.
  14. Wonder if Keenwash knows any guys named Dick
  15. At any rate, I think he sold out to BD.
  16. Tacoma, of course!
  17. Pete_H

    New Girl

    What! I can't take whippers onto my daisy chain?
  18. Pete_H

    Sobo's Updates...

    Hey, don't you slam Yakavegas!!!! It IS the Palm Springs of Warshington. That's what the sign says, anyway. I'm suprised they don't have an indoor multipitch climbing tower (Dubai, that is, not Yakima).
  19. Pete_H

    New Girl

    If you don't know how to use a PAS... or you're not sure if falling 30 feet is a good or bad idea wtf is a PAS?
  20. Pete_H

    Sobo's Updates...

    Well wherever you are, it beats Yakima.
  21. Nice effort. Sounds like a great trip for perhaps later in the season. But at least you found some good pow.
  22. That's not rude, that's theft. Apparently they have meth heads in Mormon country too.
  23. No but being pretty solid at 5.8/5.9 on TR before leading is not a bad idea. And like I said before, its important to learn about anchors and belaying before doing any leading. Even if you want to just climb 5.6 in the mountains, you should probably be at least a comfortable 5.8 leader at the crag.
  24. Sorry Ben, but that's just retarded. Any climbing is good climbing, including toproping. As a beginner you should try to get as much mileage in as possible riding the toprope and bouldering to develop some technical skillz. Working on gear placement is a good idea too. Go find a crack and spend some time fiddling in gear. Once you feel pretty comfortable placing gear, lead an easy pitch after you've toproped it to death and have it dialed. If you just start leading trad off the bat you aren't going to develop any basic technical climbing ability and its not very safe. Not to mention the fact that the first rope / gear skills you should be focusing on is setting up an anchor and belaying safely!!
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