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Everything posted by mountainsloth

  1. that's a great place for a winter adventure! nice pics!
  2. !!!!! I can hardly contain myself!!!! I heart Darrington!
  3. looks like a good time!
  4. the plank - 3 pitch 10a on Neverland wall, exit 38. the second pitch is a bizarre but fun 10a traverse. lost my marbles - 2 pitch 10c on Neverland wall, exit 38. powerful overhang to delicate slab, the perfect all-a-rounder.
  5. sweet work! but... i am confused, skis and a rope for a solo trip but no crampons!?
  6. it seems that's a tough mountain to get good conditions. 3rd time was the charm for me. 2nd attempt was a bivy halfway up route 2 only to sleep in and have the Sun turn the snow into sketchy slop up the final ramp. We turned tail and fled in fear of a wet avalanche. keep trying!
  7. 2nd Tunnel Vision - Red Rocks
  8. that is a wonderful route! nice job taking care of it in a day, in the winter! that trail is tricky. right around a stream crossing you go down the stream for 20 feet and pick the trail back up on the other side. It must have been hard to follow in the snow. good work!
  9. wow, way to get at it in the Winter! great idea!
  10. that was my first true alpine ski, and pure bliss the whole way down! good work guys!
  11. Interesting! I have been curious about what Vancouver Island has to offer in terms of climbing. Looks like fun!
  12. 1. freedom 2. escape 3. personal challenge 4. a life focus other than my job 5. the carrot at the end of the stick 6. building closer and stronger bonds with friends 7. experiencing the power of nature that today is so easy to numb yourself from 8. nature is a beautiful thing, and so is climbing.
  13. Plan A tomorrow is to climb at index, but if we get rained out, plan B is to backcountry ski around Stevens. Anyone have some sweet runs in mind?
  14. i used to practice my gear placements at 32 just past the black wall. There are a few gear routes, but they are super short. I am not sure how much hanging belays you will be able to build, but there are definitely a handful of easy and short trad routes all in one small area.
  15. ah hollywood.... what a bunch of crap. at least its not a remake!
  16. that face has so many lines waiting... I was just up in that area a couple weeks ago and was shocked at the immensity of it. How is it that this peak does not see more action!!! I must admit, I have been tempted to climb IB but now that I have seen the face up close, I want to find my own natural line.
  17. i second red mtn, SW ridge. Under the right conditions(hard pack), its a great climb.
  18. I am not sure. It doesn't look too hard. I have heard of some people putting up routes on the west side, but the rock is pretty crappy.
  19. has anyone climbed that hand crack on the east side of the haystack? i have always been curious about it, but never motivated enough to bring the gear up.
  20. cool stuff! yay for defeating the nemesis!
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