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Everything posted by mountainsloth

  1. Cool climb and write up. I love these Canadian TRs popping up recently.
  2. Nice. I hope to find similar conditions this year.
  3. Rad! Good to see someone get up this. A friend and I attempted it a couple summers ago but were deterred by the looseness and turned tail. Scrambled the peak a day or two later via the North ridge/descent described in the TR.
  4. Wow! Epic climb! Sounds like too many “questing” pitches for my liking these days. Good on you for finding the path.
  5. Wow Otto, that’s a lot of work! Thanks for doing it!
  6. I was privileged enough to enjoy 3 separate weeks up there over the past decade. Truly a special locale. Thanks for sharing. how did you get a spot at the hut? I heard it’s basically dominated by ski clubs these days.
  7. Sweet! I hope this is me and my boy some in the future. congrats on the Bulgers! Impressive!
  8. Love it! Thanks for sharing. Reminds me I am very rusty on my aid techniques.
  9. Wow. Looks ballsy. Glad your strength and skills gave you what you needed to make this sound semi casual!
  10. Yikes! Sounds like you found the next modern moderate in the n. Cascades? 😏 I too understand the edge of adulting when you still climb but start to consider the consequences of such a line. Stay safe and thanks for sharing!
  11. Sweet! Sounds casual for the average cascadian crusher.
  12. Wow. You guys should get someone to front the bill on a coffee table book of your FAs. It would be an entertaining collection of adventures. I’m impressed with your ability to manage the choss. You seem to have the drive to do so even with the experience and wisdom countering such decisions. My hat off to you, gentlemen.
  13. Wow! Gorgeous photos! Reminds me to finally get to the Alps for real.
  14. Thanks for the close ups of the s. Face. Looks lovely. I wonder if the left leaning crack is the 5.3.?
  15. The mountains can shape you in the best ways. Savor the experience! Nice write up!
  16. Wow! That looks lovely! It’s always great to see a project through!
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