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Everything posted by Choada_Boy

  1. Choada_Boy

    fucking idiots

    And now, the REST of the story... "It must be noted that about 75 percent of those arrested on suspicion of crimes after the verdict Thursday were from outside of Oakland, according to Police Chief Anthony Batts. Many of them are anarchists. From their alleged actions, it is difficult to believe that they were interested in the case, or, for that matter, the city of Oakland." Hey Rob, you still standing behind your moral outrage?
  2. Choada_Boy

    fucking idiots

    Upon further reflection, this dude was executed [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZTbJH6BNaU&feature=related
  3. Or get some balls first. The FA was a free-solo.
  4. I'm on track to do one route in three lives.
  5. What are you, cro-magnon man? Get some tools.
  6. +1 for rappelling. Saves the anchors for future use.
  7. The steel in a paper clip will work harden and lose ductility in this application.
  8. I feel bad for the guy trying to make the pendulum the whole time and failing miserably.
  9. Bring it back to REI and demand a full refund. Works every time.
  10. I got to 23 and stopped. I figured it was infinite...I was lost in there...
  11. Dude. He's the "Summit Chaser". That will be my new name for the as far as my research indicates unclimbed N. Ridge of Mount Stuart. Consider this pre-spray. Just another dumb cunt. He'll disappear when he discovers pussy.
  12. Um...fun as hell but reminds me of watching the "Genocide" episode of the World at War on the Military Channel. Where are the bulldozers?
  13. ya...well. Not my problem you lost it bro. I would laugh my pants shitty if he really did lose something. My best recommendation for getting any gear back to him would be to put it into the trash. Karma, bitch!!
  14. Far out, man! Groovy bubbles!
  15. Yes, your generation is driving us down the toilet.
  16. Facebook: more evidence of your extreme narcissism.
  17. OH SNAP! You should check out my twitter feed about all the RAD climbing I do that I must spray about narcissistically. Here's a thought: Just Climb. You wouldn't come off like such a douchebag.
  18. Trip: summitchaserCJB's Inner Walls - The Route of All Weevils- 5.0 X Date: All Day, Every Day Trip Report: Someone cleaned and put up a route at summitchaserCJB's Inner Walls over the last couple weeks. Most likely an FFA, FA, and FWFS but let me know if you know otherwise. Checked all available sources already. It's right on the new totally RAD 15' 5.9 PG FFMRA that all the mags are signing the praises of. Here are the pictures- Photos Thanks to the Huber Brothers for the Belays and PSYCH Gear Notes: One Number 5. Approach Notes: To the left of Toxic Shock at the Inner Wall. You'll have to break a new trail, it's such virgin territory.
  19. No. This belongs in the Ultra RAD pre-climbed FRFA forum. Looks like it's been picked up by the wires:
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