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Everything posted by Choada_Boy

  1. Choada_Boy


    95% of all statistics are 35% wrong.
  2. Choada_Boy


    Chimps Are Dangerous to Your Testicles
  3. The nuked it? That doesn't sound true. Link? http://www.kp.ru/daily/24482/640124/
  4. Choada_Boy


  5. USA for USA: Listen to all this all you douchebags it's time that we laid down the law we're tired of taking your shit and we ain't 'gonna take it no more be prepared to fight and die so that we may be free and if you don't like it here than pack your shit and leave our forefathers died in war so that you could live better we at least owe it to them to keep the stars and stripes forever Planting bombs in planes blowing up our ships kill our kids and woman find these dickless slobs hang them by the scrotum lets end the terrorism You think yourself a god would follow to the death a spineless yellow faggot a bunch of stinking slobs hiding behind masks show yourself 'ya maggot United we stand divided we fall and that's the way it's gonna be don't ever forget the soldiers who died for liberty All the bullshit countries who think they'll beat the giant world peace upheaval we'll nuke 'em to the stone age send the message clear ya don't fuck with the eagle
  6. Welcome to America: You have the Right to be Beaten.
  7. Poland should never have attacked that radio station in the first place.
  8. 20 Years Later: [video:youtube]
  9. Fairweather in the news. Hopefully he can no longer breed.
  10. These facts are so inconvenient!! Day 42: Time to Nationalize the Oil Industry in the United States It's clear at this point that nationalization would be in our best strategic and environmental interests.
  11. I think a person should have their status tattooed on their arm.
  12. "He walks into the Oval Office in the morning, Bush said, and asks Card: "What's in the newspapers worth worrying about? I glance at the headlines just to kind of (get) a flavor of what's moving," Bush said. "I rarely read the stories," he said."
  13. This is a jolly good oil spill. Jolly good.
  14. They say they are now going to "redouble" their efforts. Which implies that they've already doubled their efforts, from half of what they could have been doing to what they are doing now, but that they aren't going to do more than they are now, only that they will "redouble".
  15. Satan's Going To The Funeral
  16. USA = $36 for a patch of dirt and a bathroom that looks like a diarrhea bomb went off in it after it was blessed by Satan himself. Meanwhile, The Tool is bugging you at 6am to see if you were the ones trying to drive their muffler-free Subaru Brat up the embankment until midnight. And the water supply will give you AIDS. CAN = Free campsite by the river, all to yourself, with a sign that says "Please Try and Limit Your Stay to 36 Consecutive Days"
  17. Forgot: -Married Shannon Price
  18. Here's Bildo's idea of a "good run": -Kidney disease stunts growth for life -Gets role of a lifetime playing a neo-Buckwheat while his parents squandered his fortune -Everyone he meets from thereon out ask him "Whatchoo talkin' bout Willis?" -2 Kidney transplants -Charged with assault -Cited twice for disorderly conduct -Runs a man over with his truck -Arrested for domestic violence -Mocked in Broadway musical -Seizure on TV set -Life was essentially shit from 18 on after early promise -Existed as a sad caricature and running gag of his former self -Dies of brain hemorrhage Sweet life.
  19. Are these liberal or conservative facts?
  20. Choada_Boy

    Nalgene D**k

    FW bought himself a whole pile of nalgenes hoping increased intake of BPA would decrease his ano-genital distance and allow him to fulfill his life-long dream of fucking himself up the ass.
  21. I there any validity to the idea that Howe Sound "funnels" and concentrates shitty weather up to Squamish? So that if it's bad in North Van, it's worse in Squish?
  22. If you rearrange the letters in "fairweather" you get "worthless bag of shit". Try it! Seriously, how do I block this cunt completely?
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