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Everything posted by Choada_Boy

  1. Gene! How could you say such a thing??
  2. There were some AWESOME documentaries on the Boob Tube a week or two ago, about both Potter and Honnold, as well the disastrous attempt of Mt. Edgar by Micah Dash, Jonny Copp, and Wade Johnson. Honnold came off as a great guy, really stoked, super-skilled, my mind can't even comprehend what his solos are. Watching his "flip out" on Thank God Ledge was terrifying. Potter came off as a completely narcissistic douche bag too full of his own brand of homemade pseudo-mysticism. "Look at me" was what I got from him. His parents should have saved us the misery of watching him stroke his own ego and hugged him more. And to say he "soloed the Eiger" is a lame joke that Off-White's topo provided the punchline for. Having said that, watching him have to down climb the crux, in clouds that would prevent a successful BASE jump ("FreeBASEing" he calls it, like a total douche), on his first attempt was like watching the end of "The Ring".
  3. Exhibit A: Cancelled "As of October 2010, the site is abandoned and run-down." Could just as well be describing the country.
  4. I'm looking for feedback from any guides or guide services about guiding as a career. What are the best parts? The worst? How's the money? How flexible can your schedule be? Is IFMGA cert a must in this day and age? Any info/ideas/suggestions are appreciated.
  5. So much for launching near the equator...
  6. The classic "Fade Right" attempt. I'm surprised you didn't find gear on the tree to begin with. Cost of doing business.
  7. ...I'd pistol whip you with an illegal gun.
  8. Winner so Far: Prole! With his "banality of evil" reference! Here's a pic of Douche Nozzle, hard at work, trying to figure out if you're posting from your employer's computer. Notice portly KKK on the right ensuring that no one is trampling his FREEDOM.
  9. Enjoy me climbing Forbidden for an entire month!!!
  10. Right-wing douche nozzles are awfully quite around here on this one. I'd expect more left-bashing vitriol.
  11. Leave it to the Masshole: 2 Million to Lose Jobless Benefits Merry Christmas!! And don't forget to keep the Rich rich: All Bills Blocked Until the Rich Stay Rich, $700 Billion Later
  12. Choada_Boy

    Just a reminder

    I sense David Cross' stand-up routine here. Please provide citation(s) before I laugh in agreement.
  13. Them crazy SQUIRRELS!! [video:youtube]
  14. Yes. Whichever makes me look like I know everything.
  15. I'm thinking of the work/energy theorem. Which scenario increases entropy the least?
  16. Here's the REAL evidence that eating locally has economic benefits.
  17. and Yes. Someone has to take out the trash and clean the toilets. I couldn't think of a more qualified shit swabber.
  18. Bracket 2 makes millions off of investments and pays zero taxes on any of that. Bracket 1 has no money to invest.
  19. Looked pretty meager last weekend, I don't think you'll find much.
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