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Everything posted by Choada_Boy

  1. "Thank God for the rain to wash the trash off the sidewalk. "
  2. I'll bite. Indian woodcarver, slow-moving, rather small in stature, 50+ years old with small, legal blade. By all accounts non-threatening, and a record of nothing more than petty drunkenness and public urination. Rookie cop, I would guess 20-something or 30-something, armed with a 9mm pistol. Cop shoots him at range FOUR FUCKING TIMES. What exactly more needs to be known now? You must have a rather vivid imagination to contrive a scenario that warrants a scenario in which that cop feels his life is immediately endangered and requires him to blast this guy over and over. So let's hear it... Fucker deserved to die, given this eye witness account.
  3. What are you practicing these days? I figured out the "CAGED" system for both the major and minor scales, looking to get more melodic...
  4. He got one out of three right. Way better than usual. 33%. Evidently the same score as on his Intro to Psychology final.
  5. As you were all eye witnesses, I'm glad you know the whole story.
  6. Please don't quote his idiotic comments. They make me dumber.
  7. With all the users I'm ignoring, I can barely tell how dumb they are.
  8. Meanwhile... Crooked Teabagger in the News
  9. I can't wait for this dumb cunt's taxes to go up so I can buy another yacht. Vote YES!
  10. Half way through and I'm begging him to clip in. How much does this job pay?
  11. Choada_Boy


    Perfectly Suited to Save America!!! "In 2003, she expressed her dismay at the idea of coed college dorms, asking, 'What's next? Orgy rooms? Menage a trois rooms?" or "She explained her thinking about sex and religion in a 1,400-word Washington Post essay in 1997. In it, O'Donnell describes her experience "pitching abstinence to the young and the restless" with other members of SALT at HFStival, a music festival. "The SALT, as our group is called, was founded by young Christians to help rebuild a moral foundation for Generation X," O’Donnell wrote, adding, "One of our first projects is to distribute stone tablets with the Ten Commandments and encourage public officials to display them in their offices."
  12. Even easier: 1) Follow the trail to the moraine 2) Take a left 3) Find the trail to the glacier past all the people with way too much new gear
  13. Choada_Boy

    Whale Wars

    Watching Whales Wars makes me want to eat whale. Fucking hippies burn ten thousand pounds of bunker oil trying to stop a whale from getting killed, oblivious to their hypocrisy. Whale: The Other Red Meat.
  14. I'd say at least a billion people were there. Maybe more.
  15. Woodland Critter's Christmas Crag 5.8 finger cracks and thin flakes on the Woodland Critter's Christmas Crag. D on the FA leading out from the belay. Stellar pitch, be kind to the flakes. This is a sweet spot and with some traffic the climbs will become classics. Bring a brush and put in some scrub time when you rap.
  16. Choada_Boy

    Hey Lawyers!!

    What would "adm" "mo" and "ipo" stand for on a court docket with respect to exhibits offered by the prosecution and defense?
  17. Nothing reads quite like a good manifesto.
  18. Blood Orgy!! I'm pretty sure he named the crag, and his child, after my dog.
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