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Everything posted by Choada_Boy

  1. That's what I was figuring I'd need to do. Renting the hole saw is pretty spendy for eight holes. Thanks!!
  2. Seriously. I have to drill 9/16" holes in a four inch thick slab of granite without breaking it. Questions: 1) Rotary hammer or hole saw? 2) What's the minimum distance I can space the holes using a rotary hammer and not expect cracking between them? Any other advice?
  3. More hyper-narcissism and self-aggrandizement. Why do you feel compelled to share this dross with the world?
  4. Fuck. He was a Hard Man and I greatly enjoyed reading of his adventures in the Hills. Toss one back for Joe...
  5. I am glad to read that this honest arrangement will not breach the law. Perhaps sending your bank account number, PIN number, and mother maiden name will speed the along transaction African.
  6. Choada_Boy


    Wasn't the "Martyrdome" where Max Mad fought Tina Turner? More evidence that you don't know shit, but you soon will. Have fun changing shitty diapers.
  7. Choada_Boy


    I'm sure you'll be busy jerking off onto your Dave Mathew's poster that night. Happy New Year's, loser.
  8. Choada_Boy


    Bring a helmet and eye protection.
  9. "Normal Accident Theory: When we try to understand the causes of technological accidents, it often turns out to be very difficult to pinpoint exactly what went wrong. The reason for this is that technologies are intrinsically complex and depend on many things working closely together: Materials and components of different quality are structured into tightly engineered sub-systems, which are operated by error-prone humans in not always optimal organisational structures, which in turn are subject to production pressures and all kinds of managerial manoeuvring. Failure in just one part (material, sub-system, human, or organisation) may coincide with the failure of an entirely different part, revealing hidden connections, neutralised redundancies, bypassed firewalls, and random occurrences for which no engineer or manager could reasonably plan. This is what 'Normal Accident Theory' is about: When a technology has become sufficiently complex and tightly coupled, accidents are inevitable and therefore in a sense 'normal'. Accidents such as Three Mile Island and a number of others, all began with a mechanical or other technical mishap and then spun out of control through a series of technical cause-effect chains because the operators involved could not stop the cascade or unwittingly did things that made it worse. Apparently trivial errors suddenly cascade through the system in unpredictable ways and cause disastrous results."
  10. Choada_Boy


    December 30 and 31st @ Neumos. Got my tickets for both nights this morning. Bitches.
  11. Your post is as boring as a baseball game.
  12. Was The Tool on the summit checking your permits?
  13. Big scary route in a big scary area with a new partner that bails. And what's the big surprise, douchebag?
  14. Who in their right mind would still buy Aliens?
  15. More like "narcissistic douchebag". NLOL. TS.
  16. This would be the 3rd time, depending on how you count it, we were directly involved in tossing out the person in charge over there and putting our own dictator in then. Curiously, most Americans are still unsure why the Iranians have issues with us on this. Let's call the 3rd one - ?????
  17. I love the "top heavy administration" bullshit. 2 admins for every 50 teachers is top heavy? It's obvious that someone took the "The World needs more Trigs, not fewer" advice to heart...
  18. So if I start with a scale, then begin with some degree within that scale, that would be considered a mode of that scale, correct? Ex: Key of C, start on A, ABCDEFGA would be a mode (Dorian? I don't have time to look it up right now...)
  19. If you ever find that fucker you should murder him. In front of his kids.
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