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Everything posted by Choada_Boy

  1. How about "Z = Z^2 + C"?
  2. ...and thanks to the digital camera, you can share every instant of your dumb idea with the whole world. "This is me and my dumb idea." "This is me with all my gear hanging off my pack by carabiners." (What was taking up all the room IN your pack??) "This is me about to be killed by my dumb idea." "This is me lucky to be alive." My only remaining question is this: Did you use the "Pee Bottle"?
  3. I heard that one of you was more of a "pain in the ass" than "co-author" of the WA ice guide and since "talk - action = zilch", I'll just discount your opinion entirely. Having said that, is this thread for real??? WA ice climbing pretty much sucks ass. CDN Rockies is where it's at. I don't see people coming from all over the freakin' world to climb ice in WA in the winter. The shittiest year in CDN blows WA away any year period. Dru: Name 5 200m+ WI climbs in WA.
  4. I don't know about leaving garbage in the hills but if you re-arrange the letters in "MisterE" it spells "Media Whore". Did you get your skills from Uncage the Soul? Shockingly, the Herald didn't totally blow it this time, although they didn't pick the best available pictures, and "history" should have had a capital "H". Mike's shot of the wall pales in comparison to Scurlock's aerial madness, and the shot of Mike 2nding pales in comparison to him leading the overhangs. Pretty cool, though, that they gave you so much exposure, no pun intended.
  5. I debriefed with Mike yesteday morning at breakfast and it was like talking to someone who had been past the edge and returned to tell about it. It was awesome! I've never felt more stoked for a climb someone else did!! What an incredible adventure! A word on the grade: 5.9+ A2 my ass! He told me the true identity and you'd better be FUCKING HONED for this Beast or you'll be beat down by THE DEVIL'S CLUB!!! I've known Mike for a bunch of years now and when he says this is the second hardest thing that he's done in life, next to taking his board exams, that means it's the hardest climbing he's done in his life. Take a look at the climbing resume on his T-Shirt and do the math. Erik's no slouch, either, when it comes to pulling hard, he just a sport climber who can't tell the difference between Shuksan and Baker and just took part in a MAJOR North Cascades aplinism coup de tat on his first over-nighter. PUT THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT!!!!!!! And talk about QUALITY! In this day and age when people are picking over the SCRAPS for FAs, trying and doing climbs that are in my opinion PURE SHIT, just for the sake of getting their names in Red Fred, these guys march out into the middle of nowhere and peg the Burl-o-meter up an AWESOME wall with an AWESOME line. Note to everyone: TIME TO STEP IT UP!!! We already got the out of the way, and I've got "Dumpling Burn" at both ends, but congrats again! You guys ROCK!! -Justin (Prepare for Bannination in 3...2....1...)
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