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Everything posted by Dechristo

  1. ...not to mention, putting up with Mel Brooks for all those years. ... and that whiner of a son.
  2. She was great in The Miracle Worker.
  3. might need to put some salve on those jewels.
  4. You're not supposed to attach the strap to your boobs; over, under, or figure-eight around the two of 'em ain't the way. And quit puttin' your nipple through the little hole in the metal plate... even if it fits, it ain't the way. There's a buckle at your right hip for attachment of the strap.
  5. Gotta give the ATF a reason ta live.
  6. Dechristo

    Housing Bubble?

    No, blue-hairs should be safe; unless they dumped their nest-egg in the lap of a televangelist.
  7. Dechristo

    Yukon Ho

    mmm...mmm...m... da tings dat girl do wit a microphone... she gwine ta hert herself!
  8. Dechristo

    Yukon Ho

    The capitol is White Ho... Seems they need some "sisters" from da hood.
  9. Dechristo

    Yukon Ho

    Ain't the Yukon Ho Union gonna pitch-a-fit over a BC Ho comin' in and snappin' up their biz?
  10. A remote, un-named peak in the Wind Rivers... worst case of sunburn on my ass. A friend related a story of gettin' her "O" face on while on a rickety bivy platform on El Cap... she said it was one of the most terrifying experiences of her life.
  11. That's the refraction of light thru methane gas from camp 4.
  12. My grandpa never used his seatbelt whenever I drove him somewhere. He said he "wanted to be thrown clear" if we had a wreck. I had him ride on the hood.
  13. Love the detail of the flies.
  14. It would seem whenever a person, over a protracted period of time, harbors the belief the world would be better if it were conformed to their image, eventually, that notion would become as satisfying to them as rubbing their elbow.
  15. Did you notice he didn't capitalize "bush"?
  16. The lyric makes his death all the more poignant and pertinent to the thread.
  17. It seems real world trials of experimentation with Marxist concepts have led to draconian restrictions in personal liberties. The same human frailties you decry in our political system (the obsession of those with power to retain it) manifests in every political system. Does your construal of implemented Marxist concepts square with your desire for anarchistic politics? Confession is one of many doorways to personal liberty.
  18. Yellowjackets - mostly the '95 album. Incognito - their older stuff. Coleman Hawkins Saw him with King Crimson in '74; a great memory.
  19. I'm really fuckin' knackered, right now, but, I'll give it a shot: Jim pointed out an element of sarcasm in the "hate" aspect of the thread title, but, it relates to my notion of Love and Hate in a dualistic world (wtf, I guess this is a digression from the thread subject. On the other hand, a definition of terms can be corellative.). By dualistic rules of opposites, you gain complements of Good & Bad, Love & Hate, ad infinitum. Surficial ideas of Love are supported by personal categorizations of quantity and quality of Good; Hate is supported similarly by assessments of Bad. Detachment demurs or ignores involvment in the subject. Perhaps, the perception/experience that Hate is a stronger emotion than Love is due to its scaffolding of Bad: the unforgivable. It is the unforgiveness that... My comment, in this regard, with America as the subject, alludes to no monopoly by nation, nabob, or prole in intrinsicalness of Good and Bad; affluence the exponent: power, corruption, waste, and arrogance result.
  20. For those who are aghast or thrilled by the title of this thread: don't get your panties in a bind or lubricious with cream... as we all know, hate is the flip side of love in a dualistic environment. Akin to a kid, in a fit of anxious passion, yelling "I HATE YOU!" to his mother. All of the things I hate (dislike strongly) about America are present everywhere else in the world; America only has the affluence to flaunt and brandish, in an unparallelled manner, the frailty of the human condition. Utopian ideals are nurtured by those that lack intimacy with human nature; you should find as much satisfaction shoveling sand against the tide.
  21. "Happiness is a warm gun, Momma."
  22. Another African legend is born.
  23. AAC RELEASES MAJOR STUDY OF CLIMBING RESCUES The AAC has just published a comprehensive analysis of climbing rescues and the move to hold climbers responsible for rescue costs. The report, "Climbing Rescues in America: Reality Does Not Support 'High-Risk, High-Cost' Perception," was prepared by Deputy Director Lloyd Athearn, who showed that the fatality rate at major climbing destinations has declined dramatically over the last several decades, and that climbing rescues occur far less frequently than with seemingly safer activities such as hiking, boating, and hunting. The report proves that climbers are not a significant drain on the public-safety system, and it debunks many of the arguments used to support discriminatory charge-for-rescue policies specifically targeting climbers. The Associated Press prepared a feature story on Athearn's study that was picked up by newspapers throughout the West and in New England. The report also received television coverage in Colorado. The full report is posted online at www.americanalpineclub.org/docs/AAC%20Rescue%20Report%20med.pdf .
  24. From the AAC eNews:
  25. I understand that you're concerned for those in trouble and stranded; pray as you are led for them. I am crass and am fully aware of it. My perception of the world being thoroughly vulgar and thoroughly beautiful simultaneously precludes normally the appetite for delicacy, decorum, and discrimination. However, I do not endeavor to offend; if you've taken offense, please forgive me. Take note of the difference in our signatures: I don't presume the opportunity extends beyond today to "be an asshole".
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