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Everything posted by Dechristo
All of us use this board to make fools of ourselves, intentionally or not, from time to time. Glad to see your lack of fear in this pursuit. You rock!
T'was probably that Eddie Haskell dude and his thugs.
Right. The watering of flowers is performed with the elongated structure on the anterior side.
"They can have my three-pump whole-milk three-shot venti white chocolate latte when they pry it from my cold, dead hands."
NOLs Instructors, OTOH, are Gods among men. Just ask them. Lightning bolts from their arses they have! (Some folks doctor their demeanor with bravado.) I doctor my brown rice and stir-fry veggies with tamari.
"Climbers keep the best on belay... all the rest scream and crater."
Some gots ta matriculate to metriculate.
People, people... let us pity the ignorance together.
Pray tell. Give it up on the correlation.
YOU GOT A FREAKIN' VASECTOMY FROM A CHIRO?!?!?! A clue: "If he messes near the dick, you'll know a trick."
That engenders one end of the subject, butt, does not preclude the assertion that orgasmic women may procreate more readily than non-orgasmic females. As an aside, I doubt the sybaritic women described in the quote have a complaint in sexual satisfaction; they have other complaints, no doubt. Are some uncomfortable with this discussion? Why is that so? What blocks objective discourse on this subject with allowance for instances of wryness? Too personal? The ubiquity of the subject and its evolutionary implications allow for unprejudicial inclusion of all in the discussion. The internet format allows various degrees of incognito participation; any modicum or height of prudence can find accommodation. Indiscernible uncomfortableness? Could the lack of comfort be due to personal issues of control? In a culture where control of every aspect of life is heralded, treatment of a subject where individuals experience the loss of control will produce discomfort, uneasiness, and annoyance in many; the same effect can be recognized in those that experience embarrassment in the act of sneezing in public. Relevantly, the issue of control finds pertinence in the subject of this website: the activity of climbing is inherent with the experience of the dynamic of control. Whether climbing at the limit of one’s ability or the uncontrolled forces of the environment, the climbing participant will experience the lack of control. We love the epic tale, rarely do we surrender the need for control to enjoy the epic experience. Still, it is the gamble of control that is part of climbing’s lure. Personally, the physiology of human sexuality is one of many awesome marvels we may experience. The discussion of this topic is no less salient to our lives than any other topic of science, politics, religion, or health (although, I allow that a moderator may disagree). After all, this is Spray… the thin-skinned, timorous, and wan with trepidation are warned. Pity and irony: the lack of callous promotes sensitivity which is a requisite factor in the subject orgasm.
What... you want more details of engorged, lubricious, and tingly sexual organs massaging each other? The discussion wasn't meant to bring you to orgasm, butt, we can go there if you want.
Man, just getcha a fifth-wheel trailer and set-up shop at a popular climbing area: you'll garner business for both the skeletal manipulation and Dirtbag climbing schwag. Fuck the johnny-come-lately who wants to prevent your use of the term.
Although, the evidence I cite is admittedly anecdotal, I believe there is cause to assert that a woman's ability to orgasm has evolutionary function in selective reproductory processes. In general, men more often desire to engage in coitus with women excited by the act; this produces the potential for multiple couplings by a man with the same woman. The more a woman enjoys sexual intercourse, the more likely she is to perform repeated acts - not with the same man, necessarily. Both factors increase the probability that women who enjoy coitus (polyphiloprogenitive), more than their female competitors, will successfully reproduce.
Catching this show would be more than worth going. Warren is the real deal. Btw, Jon, the event looks to be Thursday, the 9th.
No shit!? My bad. Maybe she dis-owned the whiney bastard.
I believe that to be little consolation to women who want/need to "get-off" now... ... or, at least, sometime in the next one hundred millenia.
Don't be dissin' double-duty hermaphrodites!
Suckin' farts out of theater cushions. ...it's probably good respiratory training and creates tolerance for the more noxious climbing partner.
__________ Brooks. Having difficulty remembering his first name.
...or shining the bald pate of the little man in the boat. I've found shining his head from side-to-side most effective.
Guess, for them, it's like rubbing their elbow.
I live by the credo "women always come first". well... most of the time.