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Everything posted by Dechristo

  1. Does he get angry when people make eye contact with him? Does he walk on all-fours? Is his collar by Trango? Does he get a hard-on when he shits? Is he intimidated when others invade his turf? Is he baffled by sarcasm and facetious communication? Does he hump the legs of strangers? Does he immediately assume as intimidating a posture as he can when confronted by strangers? Does he pull himself across the room with his front feet while in a sitting position to scratch his ass? Is he in Miniscrota?
  2. Hey Chumps, take a chill-pill. Your knickers are in a bind b/c you want people here to take you seriously, but, your seriousness is the cause of the hilarity. Take an enema... make it a high colonic: you've got a bratwurst lodged sideways.
  3. Journal reference: Wilderness and Environmental Medicine (vol 16, p 92: ...also, it is apparent that climbers addled by oxygen deprivation are mistaking partially digested feces for discarded Clif Bars.
  4. Dude, that's some dope Miniscrotan logic!
  5. tomtom is bilingual; he understands "Bozos" is Miniscrotan for "buggery-lovin' clowns". Chaps is one tough son-of-a-bitch.
  6. Your major prequalifier for partners, eh?
  7. She'd get that if they smeared it on her seat.
  8. Did they smear doggie dollop on your steering wheel? If no, count yourself fortunate.
  9. Dechristo


    Mike Meyers: "Und now vee dahnz."
  10. Dechristo


    Their lead singer and Bunny Lebowski had starring roles in the porno film Log Jammin'.
  11. Too fuckin' funny... gotta get back to work. Oh, by the way Chaps, "DeC" is just my cyber name; I'm actually your proctologist/lover. Make an appointment, we need to look/probe deeper for your levity and sense of humor.
  12. Are you really supprised he didn't get it. He thinks "innuendo" is the italian word for sodomy.
  13. She may not feel the Earth move, but it'll still be good.
  14. I knew it! What a bunch of kids! Pathetic. Yep, that's why all the trip reports are of places you've never heard of, which translates for you to anywhere outside the Land of 10,000 Geeks. You fucker! You're the reason I'm wasting so much time this morning - you're just too funny! Thanks, you square-dickhead!
  15. Do I smell lutefisk? ... or is that just your momma fanning her chach in the next room?
  16. Immaturity is exposed best in the taking of offense.
  17. I bet being on belay titilates your bondage fetish. Humor is a vital part of climbing (as in life). You need to make an appointment with Layton, your humors are out of whack.
  18. Dechristo

    A Parable

    Or: "Don't brag to the big dogs about chasin' pussy when the mere thought of it makes you piss yourself."
  19. Actually, he's still draggin' on the tit.
  20. I've never felt so violated.
  21. News through the AAC:
  22. It's the nature of the beast. Large groups of people of differing opinions engaged in a long discussion invariably digress, whether in cyberspace or face-to-face. ...unless the participants: are the Borg, or are cultural automatons, or have "control issues", or are looking to make themselves central to the discussion by interjections of reprimand. I beg you to pardon the thread drift, but I was led to interject. Since you're a staunch disciplinarian just remember, she has ADD (no, that's not math skills) so you'll probably need to hit her with a rolled-up newspaper five times for her to remember two.
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