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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. The gulley isn't that bad and the route isn't that great (well, its a pretty good route for 5.6). If you can climb 5.10, do something else though. Shit. Has anyone mentioned SW rib or South? Excellent and pretty long route at 5.8 with the potential for some easy 10 variations.
  2. OK Layton, give up the S___ Peak TR already.
  3. Thanks for the pic's. Beautiful area! Cool that you got to see a bear and got a picture of it. Rad.
  4. WA Pass is probably a good place for you then. Its not remote or committing, and offers longer routes with usually good pro. Its "alpine light" if you will. I'd second recomendation of East Face of Lex, though a bit funky to start and some wideness up top (though well protected). Barber Pole, though easier climbing, doesn't have the best rock and is probably not the best route if you dont' have much experience in the alpine. Have fun! Oh if you want to hike more, N Face of Bergundy is sweet.
  5. Ha Ha. My sister's a website content editor and she used to work for one of those travel websites. Her job was to write those types of descriptions you allude to above for hotels and such that she'd never been too. Maybe she could get one of those art jobs though.
  6. Sweet! I am so there. What a great way to spend my spare time! I'll be the snake, who will be Samuel L?
  7. Lets email eachother our climbing resumes and compare how cool we are . Or better yet, our bridge jumping resumes.
  8. I'm not sure you guys really understands this film. Take another look and ask yourselves, what is this film trying to tell us about the role of technology in bringing about socio-political change? I think in looking at with a different perspective you'll see what the "snakes" really represent.
  9. You don't need any big gear for the offwidth b/c there's two big fat new bolts protecting it.
  10. DirtyHarry


    You could really say he was "experimenting with drugs"
  11. Why would you post a TR about something you didn't do? Hey everyone, I didn't climb Thermogenesis this past weekend, check it out!
  12. DirtyHarry


    Then the penguin said, No its just ice cream!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH
  13. DirtyHarry


    If humping pads ... er, I mean boulder pads, are used properly, "her" should always be benefited.
  14. Here's some discussion questions for your bookclub: 1. The author begins and ends the TR by resisting being "sivilized." What do you think the author means by this? What does he do to resist being "sivilized?" 2. Did you ever fantasize about running away? What did you hope to accomplish? 3. Describe the relationship between Dan and Rolf. Does their relationship change over time? In what way? 4. What is the role of the Mississippi River in this book? 5. What did freedom mean to the author? What did it mean to Dan? what does it mean to you? 6. Rolf's sound heart and deformed conscience came into conflict in this TR. Describe one situation and tell how the author resolves the conflict. Remember a situation where your heart and conscience have experienced conflict. Were you able to resolve it in a way that brought you peace? 7. The author used dialect to portray characters realistically and to enhance mood. What effect does dialect have on you as you read? 8. Compare and contrast society in the author's time to today's society. Does time change the "message" of the TR? 9. Ernest Hemingway has said that all modern American literature comes from this TR What features make this stpry modern? What features make this TR American? 10. What makes this TR a controversial and banned TR? What makes the story important and popular in today's world?
  15. If'n you ever decide you do care you could just READ THE FUCKING TR.
  16. Gary, could you please post a move by move photo essay of the sequence once you've figured it out.
  17. Do you know how to read? Do they speak English where you live?
  18. Thanks for the headsup Chris. Very cool research! I would love to see a griz in the cascades - from a bit of a distance, of course.
  19. Whatever, I'M not the one whining about the harmless pictures of some enraptured females.
  20. What a complete suprise, something lascivious on cascadeclimbers. How utterly unforseeable.
  21. DirtyHarry


    Is that new ti toothbrush with aircraft grade aluminum bristles out yet?
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