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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. Yeah those are sweet drawrings. Paper and a pencil is way lighter than a camera, too.
  2. I hear that dude drinks his own urine.
  3. DirtyHarry


    any super secret trivia about any super secret famous climerers?
  4. Now those are some nice family values.
  5. I found some old faded tat on a tree up at the wine spires last weekend, send PM of original color and location and I'll get it back to you.
  6. Gary is going to be all over your ass for posting those messed up photos. Cool. That route is on my list too.
  7. Some trivia: Alpinfox travels with an entourage, that includes his psychologist, his attorney, and Fred Beckey.
  8. At least he skis, DRU (though actually I'm not so sure he does after reading his suggestion to use regular alpine ski boots to tour with).
  9. I did some "deep-water" soloing at Colchuck Lake. It looked like the above, except with fuzz growing in the cracks and fewer people.
  10. Frisch Freeride, must therefore, be the best and only binding to use and anything else will come apart like Jenna Bush's legs at a keg party.
  11. Yeah that dynafit stuff is crap. Unless you have Fritschi Freerides, and ONLY Fritschi Freerides, your gear WILL break - probably on your first outing.
  12. Peach pie, dude, peach pie. You must have walked right past us bivied in the boulders at Lake C. We attempted super secret Stuart linkup, thwarted by time and bad beta. Made way back to Lake C where we slept deeply and loitered intensly the next day.
  13. Good thing that dude has a sleeping pad, looks like rough terrain up ahead, he may have to bivy.
  14. Yeah, but you'll make the kid stupid by poking him in the head a bunch of times.
  15. Ouch! Dru must have been belaying.
  16. Bitchin. You could get your Oregon Trail on.
  17. Still? Just reach in there and pull the alien out. Kid needs to learn to show up on time, dammit!
  18. Nice. Good to hear a classy group of Washington-based individuals were in attendance.
  19. Bad thai food kept us from moving quickly enough. Rad's going to post a TR when the pain goes away. Usually its my partner that has the gastrointestinal issues. You guys seemed to be cruising right along initially, though.
  20. Weekend climber-Z, give up the story. That was you and bro on the north ridge saturday, huh? What took you guys so long?
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