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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. Good point, but isn't the fact that Kevbone is an annoying twat wherever he posts enough of a context?
  2. Interesting. In the one avalanche I was caught in it was my instant reaction to start swimming, regardless of anything I'd read or been taught. It would be interesting to see some experiments done to test Dale's theory.
  3. They might have made better alpinists but I seriously doubt their ability to document their ascents on their blog with GPS cord's and sick digicam footage.
  4. I think your head is filled with rock dust from all those bolt holes you've drilled. Stars refer to the aesthetic quality of the route, not the seriousness. That is why there is a separate rating system for the seriousness. Mindblowing eh? ps - note that you can click on that "college folk" word to get a definition of it if you wish. Why do you have to be an asshole? Seriously? Must be inherent, like your retardation. Stars are subjective, just means how much the guidebook author likes the climb or not.
  5. Up at Snow Creek Wall today - nothing is in. No ice at all.
  6. You'd probably get more responses if people thought you were a chick, dumb ass.
  7. Joining the circus at Prey's. Maybe you can costruct a goat maze with different levels like at Smallwood's.
  8. DirtyHarry


    Pitfall was sweet, but there was no finish. You just kept going from screen to screen jumping on Alligator heads and shit. Combat was where it was at - square tanks and triangle airplanes.
  9. DirtyHarry


    Nothing like a good game of Oregon Trail on a green monochrome monitor.
  10. What! Colin passing up an opportunity to get perved on some cheap Argentinian wine. Unlikely story.
  11. Wow Kyle. Interesting turn of events. Good for you!! The old location was way cool though.
  12. DirtyHarry


    Before every climb I pray to God that death comes quick and painlessly. But since I know there is no such thing as God I just make sure I put the beer and the ice chest in the car in case I return alive.
  13. You should throw some freestyle moves in there, like twirls or 360's, just for style.
  14. point the tips down the hill and wiggle your butt.
  15. Its either smoke from the ice fishing hut behind them or steam from the cheese curd frier.
  16. That snow skate board crap is retarted, espescially in the b/c.
  17. I bet the skiing sux. Its like 38 at Snocrummie right now.
  18. Good to hear about Mike and Kate too - the uber-dynamic duo. Sweet!!
  19. Big Pimpin'! Kelly is not only a badass but a hell of a nice guy too. I knew him a bit in Montana back in the olden days. Ran into him again a few years ago in Alaska. Classy guy. Colin, on the other hand ...
  20. That's some really nice self-promoting horseshit Ian, but what does it have to do with Layton's question about mixed climbing?
  21. "Taking the Michael is always a big part of climbing." This one stumped me. But its cool how Bonington uses "adventure" as an adjective in refering to Houlding as a "good adventurer."
  22. The good old Seattle nice-off.
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