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Everything posted by DirtyHarry

  1. I earnestly suggest you pack a black lab or at least a small monkey in case you encounter a spoon-or-die situation.
  2. The older the berry the sweeter the juice.
  3. This thread seems like a good place for an: Annabelle Bond picture.
  4. DirtyHarry


    That's weird. I had a similar experience in that same area, but I was going north on Roosevelt. Dude took a hard right and cut me off. I drove my shoulder into his van in order to make a wheel-skidding high speed right turn and avoid certain death.
  5. They are really good, but not as good as Hooty and The Blowfish.
  6. I got stuck on the pass last night b/c of that wreck and had to go stay with family in Roslyn. The over-the-shoulder blower made it worth it though.
  7. I had a climbing partner once, but I got fired for being drunk.
  8. I like Alice in chains, but then again I like any girl in chains.
  9. Will beer be provided or must one bring their own beverage? Snacks?
  10. For example, can you even imagine aid climbing and NOT partaking? I don't think its possible. In fact, I think there's a whole chapter in Freedom of the Hills, specifically WARNING people to not even attempt a big wall unless there's a fat sack of the old rick james stashed in the haul bag.
  11. The buckle across the forefoot doesn't really do shit anyway so I can't see how 4-buckle boots make a big difference over 3.
  12. This one time, some people who were stone cold sober got killed while climbing. That's a true story. So if you climb sober you'll die, so don't do it.
  13. Just wait till they get to the chapter on shorts-over-polypro. So many colors, so many variations! Its so confusing, so frustrating. It makes you want to just wear pants!
  14. DirtyHarry

    Flipper Pie

    I prefer my sea lion lightly seared with just a hint of rosemary and served with a nice chianti.
  15. You guys are just emboldening the terrorists by having this critical discussion. For shame.
  16. You should try to do some climbing other than volcano slogging while you're up here. Check out Index town wall as a cragging destination and / or Washington Pass for alpine-light multi-pitch routes.
  17. Smoke pot check knot. Or sling, or whatever.
  18. Those guys seem pretty cool. Even though they're crag rats from codorado.
  19. The problem with a hat with the california state bear on it is that the california state bear is on it.
  20. I hear AAI does work but you have to have to admit you have a problem and regularly attend all the meetings.
  21. Well I dont climb much anymore right now.....maybe someone could refresh my memory? :noway: He is to Boulder as Todd Skinner is to Index. Come on man, how old are you?? Kevbone is obviously some 13-year-old kid who stole the password to his dad's computer. I don't believe you even had to ask.
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