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Everything posted by drater

  1. drater


    I almost got my buddy as he humped a load to the base of the WFLT. I was on Ahwanee Ledge. We had a tube but c'mon, how many times do you get to fling a turd 1600'?
  2. drater

    Driving Screws!

    Dip the screw threads in motor oil. Have a rag handy to wipe off the excess after that little baby slides right in.
  3. If I had 13k lying about, I'd buy this one.
  4. i <3 hookers and blow.
  5. extensive research has proved inconclusive but < slingblade voice> I reckon I like me a foam hat, unhughhh < /slingblade voice>
  6. does brushing your teeth after a stint in the glory hole get the taste out or are you stuck with it all day?
  7. The "I fucked a sheep and all I got was Hepatitus C" troll.
  8. Sick. We should hook up out there sometime, I'd like to see what other developments been done. Since there's so little rock and all...
  9. Thank you, Captain Oblivious...err, obvious? Whatever. STFU and throw another tire on the fire, beyotch.
  10. drater

    So Stoked!

    RogerJ, LOL. RuRm, u R tha suck! Arch, it's not how well you can kite, it's who you blow, oops, I mean know.
  11. drater


    STFU and replace my motherboard, bastard. And get me some WD40 while you're at it.
  12. drater

    So Stoked!

    New kite just got delivered. 13m Slingshot Fuel. Oh yeah, it was free. Sukkit.
  13. underneath my carhart coveralls. ask kix...
  14. STFU and pass me that 7/16" wrench, bastard. And get me another PBR while you're at it.
  15. In Idaho, not from. I'll set the bar higher.
  16. They have a top notch special teams unit. Always.
  17. So pissed I didn't even get an honorable mention for stupidest poster. It's fucken all about me, me, me!!!
  18. but don't sit on your balls.
  19. heh, that'll teach me to make up words.
  20. Reading comprension dabs on you spatters.
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