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Everything posted by drater

  1. drater

    Rate the commute

    27 steps from the front door to teh shop, 24 from the backdoor. If I'm posting while pooping (as in now), add a flight of stairs to that. Brutal commute but the 50 step access to the lake makes up for it.
  2. aliens WILL snatch and probe you!
  3. muffy, you obviously need to move to Idaho.
  4. ha ha. Use my patented line next time: "I'm not racist, I hate all those immigrants and queers" "I believe marijuana should be legalized" works just as well if being ostracized isn't in your repertoire.
  5. Only the fluffers... You think the fluffers are hot. I would think that if they were hot they would be in the film and not a fluffer. It was a joke directed towards Arch. I'm so not suprised you don't get it.
  6. drater


    Ith that available through Qwetht? Laughed out loud, ferildo.
  7. drater


    She does slap the ole beaver with some vigor, I'll give her that.
  8. drater


    I was so happy when she finally came.
  9. drater


    Yes, my high school diploma has proved invaluable.
  10. I think you misunderstood their purpose. Adobe is not in the penis enlargement business. They do make the best graphics programs in the world, although as their critics quickly claim, they are resource hogs when it comes to memory and processer space. I would suggest looking here. Or at least that's what my buddy says.
  11. drater


    Wow, out of left field with a clever one. KNOTT!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. drater


    Thankfully, no. I'm still scarred by it. And I'm not homophobic.
  13. drater


    Seen this movie yet? If not, run out and rent it right now. If so, STFU and let peeps suffer unawares.
  14. Doesn't look like the Nogan to me.
  15. Swear to god, he knows knott to be from Spokane and run your mouth about North Idaho.
  16. Donnie won't talk to me anymore. Scared little girl...
  17. I'm not gonna bother reading this ghey thread but somebody had better have mentioned Dimebag.
  18. Swordfight at the OK Corral!!!
  19. drater

    Farting is fun

    hookers. plural. think big. yes, i know it would then be ass's. cube life must be so boring to notice that shit.
  20. In her defense, Crazy Bitches generally <3 anal.
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