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Everything posted by drater

  1. Choss. How is it a secret being so close to _ _ _ _ _ _?
  2. alternate punchline: can I have my panties back now?
  3. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    swear to god, man...
  4. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    whodda thunk stupidity had osmosis capabilities.
  5. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    i've got another "S" word for you.... sarcasm I've got one for you. Stupid. As in, fuck I'm stupid.
  6. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    I just talked to the same friend on the phone, the one that was queasy about greasy girls. His 20 year old girlfriend (he just turned 39) went out and fucked his friend while he was out of town so he gave the heisman but then he said he was missing her so he went and google imaged "std infected penis" to remind him what going back there after The Kid would do to him. Daily North Idaho White Trash Swingers Update.
  7. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    "Minx, satire. Satire, minx. Sure you guys haven't met before?"
  8. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    There's not enough of this needle dick to share...oh wait, you meant Arch. Maybe.
  9. When do I get my $100?
  10. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    There's one thing you will never hear from me. Ever. I'm in love. Again.
  11. a blonde, a horse and a rabbi walk into a bar. the blonde says...
  12. that's what the roofies are for. As much time as kix doesn't spend pulling down during a day on the rocks, I'd think a satellite phone and laptop and he'd be marginally functional, even in Flag. It's cool how he's too busy to come on here and defend himself right now.
  13. yeah, what a sally...and us cheapskates buy duck brand tape, cuz it's cheaper. duh.
  14. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    hey man, spare a quarter?
  15. Rumr, come east and I'll show you. Hope you like roofies and duck tape!
  16. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    Shoes. Who's got the hookup?
  17. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    Longer than the legendary John Holmes? This sounds like a fish story to me....perhaps you should measure it again. You could go down to StateLine Showgirls in Stateline, Idaho and get a fistful of first person references. Say you're inquiring about Dick Almighty. Word got out after his first "girlfriend" that worked there and it was pretty much a checklist after that.
  18. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    i wish. i'll quit bitchin tho, my buddy has real issues, 11" long, looks like a skinny d00ds forearm, get's shut down all the time because of it by scared females. now he's getting married to this tiny japanese girl, makes me laugh.
  19. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    yeah, I remember being 12 years old. what's your point?
  20. Or your mouth where the money shot is.
  21. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    I wish. d00ds with little junk got it so good...get to hammer away with impunity, increased chances of anal, no getting shut for a week while she heals from a "burn". I'll swap ya Rudy!
  22. drater

    Now is....

    Or to Oklahoma City. Wait, that's the Sonics...
  23. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    Fuck that, I already cause too much friction.
  24. no shit, pedo jokes ain't funny pal!
  25. cannonballed with some roofies.
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