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Everything posted by drater

  1. drater

    Farting is fun

    Wouldn't that be with? Toot is what you do lines with off of a hookers ass. no. of. lines of toot, off of the hookers ass. maybe.
  2. drater

    [tr] Smith

    Only during peak touron season. This is the shoulder season, you should have been fine. Now the snaffles are a nodda thing...
  3. drater

    [tr] Smith

    invalid if you don't top out on StoneHenge. the crux is getting back down.
  4. Reference my first post back in spray. Had you fewls not spread lies and discontent about my beloved North Idaho, I'd have stayed away. U DUNNO IDAHO! Do you need me to take it easy on you from now on? I can call off the dogs if need be.
  5. Right. So by this logic, chipping is totally valid as long as it's done by the FA party. You're a toolbag. Minus the bag.
  6. What are their monikers over on that site? Haven't posted there since there were only like 8 of us circle jerkin it...quality improve with quantity of posters?
  7. Is that even english?
  8. Hey, if there was any fricken talent around here to work with....shit in, shit out. Don't think I'm a stranger to getting banned from faux-climbing sites either.
  9. wow, what an intardnet toughguy. like that's an original schtick...
  10. no, i hate everyone. you and kevbone just more than the rest. i love to fistfight, let me know when you're around. bring kevboned to even the odds a little for you.
  11. google tells me assinated=buttmounted by Cheney....guess that was in the special features or something. f'n spell'n nazis...
  12. Anybody seen this movie? Faux-cumentary about bush getting assinated in October 07. The scary part starts after he gets shot, Patriot Act III. For those who believe that 9-11 was a sacrifice to the industrial war complex, would Bush's life be worth the power gained over the American people?
  13. If by pro you mean cock and balls and by think you mean know, thanks for sharing but we all figured this out already.
  14. drater

    funny thread...

    that site is wild beast...
  15. or bocci ball if bowling proves too scary
  16. it's either that or no style at all for me... I'm sorry Kevy, I generally try to attack the idea and not the poster. I've failed miserably. Again. I find it interesting how Kevbone jumps to Pink's defense when he gets slammed while Pink lets Kevboned take it....guess we know who the top is in that relationship. Fuck. Failed again.
  17. I was going to mention all those awesome 7b+ routes in spain with bolts every 5m but I didn't think gradespray fit into spray. Kevbone, again, go to Suicide. Slabs should be run out. It's part of climbing.
  18. Is this rig rap bolted or ground up?
  19. OMFG, you could get hurt climbing? Go to the gym for sanitized safe "climbing", you wanker. Stay off routes that are beyond your comfort level if you're worried about getting hurt. Is it really this complicated? Btw, I think you're trolling. And by think, I mean hope, because if you seriously want to bring someone elses route down to your level, why not just chip that upper slab so it's 5.6 and then you won't be worried 10' above a bolt. For shame...
  20. Kevbone distilled. There's no bolt there because some people aren't pussies. Maybe go climbing at Suicide for some perspective.
  21. no shit. go europe. mandatory 20 footers on every bolt. spurt climbing is so weak.
  22. drater


    Girls are probably holdin steady at 80%, sheep....well you know the saying, leave no sheep unfluffed. Or something...
  23. drater


    Hey, I'm doing my part...
  24. drater


    More than you're worth...
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