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Everything posted by drater

  1. I haven't been there but disagree on principle. There's a lot of gneiss in EWash.
  2. I gained it back (well, I was 3 pounds lighter when I weighed myself for this little gig than when I started that diet) but only because I couldn't stay on the diet. It's really quite difficult to eat low carb in this society unless you have the time and ability to plan out your meals in advance. I suffer from low blood sugar and if I go to long without eating, I start to bonk. The problem with that is, trying to find a quick low carb snack at work is a joke, unless I brought all my food for the day, prepared in advance. Which takes time. Planning on buying a mini fridge and stocking it with veggies and hard boiled eggs, lunchmeat, cheeses, stuff like that for eating on thruout the day. After reading more of TREETOAD's posts, I remember why the Anabolic Diet pulls you off the low carb after 5 days. Ketosis, which is basically your body eating your muscle for fuel because of the absense of carb fuel. Doesn't really matter for dieters but bad news for bodybuilders, and to a certain extent, climbers. Be happy to send anybody interested a .pdf of the book.
  3. I dropped 12 pounds in less than three weeks eating like this but ultimately couldn't stick with the minimal carb diet with my work schedule and put it back on eating carbs. Another interesting approach to this is the Anabolic Diet by Dr. Mario D'Pasquale, same approach Monday thru Friday and then Saturday/Sunday you eat low fat, high carbs. The concept being that you're basically manipulating your bodies biochemistry to switch between fat burning and muscle building with the carb loading phase too short to turn to fat storing. It's way more complicated than that but I'm still looking for that second cup of coffee...
  4. You should wipe that up before someone slips in it.
  5. drater


    What's health food?
  6. drater

    I_like_To rant

    momentarily I thought you were referring to big black dick. Go Muffy!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. drater


    Damn, none of the three energy drinks i bought this morning seem to have that as an ingredient. Thank Dog for high fructose corn syrup tho!!!
  8. drater


    huh? sorry, did u say something?
  9. drater


    I like 6 hours. Gives me 18 to be alive. 4 feels like I'm swimming underwater.
  10. From all acounts, it is only frequented by metrosexual color coordinated bolderers and midget enumclaw horse wrasslers.
  11. you can join now the more the marrier. are you going to come live out our commune too? Only if it ends in a bloody armed standoff with ATF agents resulting in heavy collateral damage to the gubbmint. Or at least a couple of letters of censure.
  12. drater


    is for teh weak. 4 hours. I should be especially witty today. HaHA, typed the title as Sleeo.
  13. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    this is my buddies rig.
  14. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    think barter faire for rednexx. http://www.ruralnorthwest.com/artman/publish/article_4969.shtml http://www.kvpress.com/news/articles06/0515mudbog.htm
  15. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    yeah well, i was just over there taking bonghits and he was debating weather to hit it again or not. or maybe come over here and make a banner for the mud bog tomorrow. swear to god.
  16. haha, that's awesome. In other news, I'm eating pad thai and gai rama for dinner.
  17. drater

    Want a job?

    Certainly be worth trying. I'm out of the business so I don't care. Err, I mean...yeah, wtfever!!!
  18. drater

    Want a job?

    Which is where Boise and all the lawmakers reside. Hence, 15 years for "gardening". Unless you keep it under 14 plants or some ridiculous shit. File under Why Bother.
  19. Fuck, how did I miss this thread? I'm fat, can I start now? Friend has a scale, I'll see what kind of depression I can go into standing on it.
  20. I remember some cool stuff south of Cannon Beach, ShoreSands or some place like that. Lincoln City has some cool stuff too. Ton's of choss, take a look.
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