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Everything posted by drater

  1. 8D this morning? Every morning. Why else wake up? b/c the dogdamned birds won't STFU? Earplugs and firearms. Hard to fall back to sleep after you've popped a couple caps tho. Maybe some GHB?
  2. 8D this morning? Every morning. Why else wake up?
  3. I'm worried that people will notice that my fingers stink.
  4. drater


    nested quotes suck, it's a pretty easy bit of code to delete all but the last quote in the series upon replying. or so I'm told.
  5. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    breathing is aid. only postmortem sends are valid.
  6. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    haha, magnum xl's just don't get r dunn.
  7. Yeah right, inventing the internet is a full time gig.
  8. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    knew the sex acts with animals would work!
  9. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    I don't pay retail. evar!
  10. drater

    Climbing Shoes

    Who's got the hookup, I'm a size 10 US/41.5 euro. Will trade illicit goods, sex acts with animals and tours of the worst kept secret crag in the state. Already looked on ebay, choss.
  11. What's a few bucks? Does sitebuilder count?
  12. Speaking of puke, I went to high school with this guy. And he's a climber. Buy his book so he can publish his roadkill coffeetable book next. http://www.thepukebook.com/home1.html and the trailer... anybody know how to embed vid's? Oly?
  13. omg. Know my buddy Morgan Pierre? He did a stint on Bacon Liver, I don't think he was well received. Anti-Authoritorian and all. This would have been mid to late 90's. At Memaloose above Hells Canyon some Ops chief thought it'd be a good idea to give all the line crews a day off in camp. Boredom set in and a couple of us sacrificed to get things rolling, pretty soon we had a line of type II'ers and Snake River Valley crews thinking they were the one that could pass the 4-4-40 challenge. We used our newly procured digital video camera to record a couple hours of it before the chiefs came and shut it down after the campies complained about all the puking and ruckus. Good times.
  14. Don't worry about it. It's just a vestige of an old Puritanical patriachal notion that on the night of the maiden's wedding, she should have preserved at least one virginal orifice. Nostrils are orifices too! Orifi?
  15. drater

    Baby Hedgehog

    I was so thinking this thread was about Ron Jeremy's progeny.
  16. Totally. My other friend that was there had been swinging with them both and said he loved greasy girls. Hence the discussion.
  17. Kink is what you make it. Greasy girls in this instant refers to a pair of swinging couples here in town, husbands are are the periphereal of the mountain/lake scene, wakeboard boats, coke, alchohol, hard partying, wifes are all about the DP and pretty much everyone I know that's young(ish) and athletic(ish) has been hit up for a little doublemint action, male and female. Anyway, my friend was discussing his ex who started swinging with them and getting into being DP'd and he couldn't deal, pretty much didn't want to rub balls with greasy d00ds inside his chick, they split, she's probably happier, he thinks her and her friends are "greasy girls". Long story short.
  18. drater

    What annoy's you

    I caught onto the pretense of it before I ever watched it so now I'm not going to.
  19. drater


    They're really good. And they know how to win. Depends on who comes out of the west. I really don't need to see another San Antonio-Detroit series.
  20. I am after that little stop by my friends house. BING!!! Funny they were discussing anal sex and DP's too. And greasy girls.
  21. drater

    What annoy's you

    I pay property taxes on this, does that count? haha, total DAB!
  22. Poorly crafted joke attempting to portray you on the recieving end. Failed miserably. My bad.
  23. It ok if you are really excited. Other than that, no. Thanks for letting us know where your boundaries are. Now quantify really excited.
  24. Nice. What fire was that on, and are you wearing an entiat shots shirt? Ill have to dig up some pics of milk challenges from fire seasons past. I don't remember what fire that was, my first with the Bushmen, somewhere in SE Oregon outside of Lakeview and like a good n00b was convinced I could crush the 4.4.40. I was obviously wrong, that's quart #3 in my hands. $600 and the keys to a cherry lime green el camino on the line and I couldn't get r dun. Ahh, the bushmen. I thought those nomex pants looked a bit old school. Ive never seen anyone pull off the 4-4-40 nor the milk challenge. Fun watching folks try though. Yeah, they didn't really let us call ourselves the bushmen when I was on the crew, backlash against too many years of caveman cock wrapped hard hats. I've never seen anyone finish the 4-4-40 or the milk challenge either. I did watch a 6'8" 300# BIA crewmember put the fear of god into us one day tho, we had about 6 grand and a couple sets of keys in the pot and he pounded the first three quarts in under 2 minutes. Poor planning did him in, as he didn't have anyone handing him his quarts and he had to bend over and grab the 4th quart, which immediately led to projectiling. With proper coaching, he's a contender. Old style 32-34's, pulled from the old bushmen cache during inventory, along with a matching yellow top. The new style stuff was pure evil, designed to make hell unenjoyable. I'm impressed with your knowledge of IRC shirts.
  25. drater


    Big Black Cock.
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