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Everything posted by drater

  1. I absolutely agree. It's those same morons that think Marine or The Guardian or Flyboys or any other of the war machine propoganda flicks to get released lately (nice timing, eh?) are awesome that are willing to sign their lives away. Don't believe the hype! A 17 year old female at Sandpoint High School wrote an amazing and scathing letter to the local paper decrying the propoganda techniques used by the recruiters daily in her school hallways...wish I could find it somewhere online, it's really disturbing.
  2. The recruiting booths they're sticking in area high schools designed to suck up the bottom students in danger of not graduating or dropping out doesn't sit well with me though. I'm sure they're being completely honest and upfront with these intellectual marvels however.
  3. My wife's a 10 and she's got a really gneiss V that I like to feel.
  4. pfft...like you know what v10 feels like.
  5. drater

    Want a job?

    15 years in Idaho. F'n mormon police state!
  6. Wow, the I-99 corridor taking home half of the top 10. Impressive!
  7. drater

    Want a job?

    Quality, not quantity boys. I've...ummm...SEEN better rooms with less wattage being pulled. However, google returned that result rather quickly.
  8. drater


    Yeah, he sucks at getting pwned on the intardnet.
  9. drater

    Want a job?

    If by gardening you mean My resume is impeccable.
  10. drater


    Coming from someone who likes Wild Beast...oh wait, I like WB too. And I concur. He's a toolbag online, probably a pretty decent guy IRL. Who likes sissy bolts.
  11. I'm moving to Laclede on Tuesday if anyone wants to roll up there, I'll be living 3 minutes from the parking area.
  12. drater


    puppies have redeeming qualities. you need to come up with a much better analogy. good point. i was going for the "OMFG, he likes kicking puppies angle" kevbones a stinky dog turd lying in the yard waiting to jump on a shoe. better?
  13. drater


    Picking on kevboned is akin to kicking a puppy, fun at first but eventually the concious takes over. At least for me.
  14. drater

    Climbing Studs

  15. drater

    Climbing Studs

    most likely yes, unless your idea of boldering is 5am alpine starts. that being said, there's tons of rock that would be in the shade but it'd be like going to vantage and only climbing the feathers. only not as ghey.
  16. drater

    Climbing Studs

    I have. Climbed with Boobie Boobswoman a lot in thailand and one day she was thugging thru this 13whatever and this d00d from New Mexico, Jean Delafrogsomething, came over and flat styled that route with his baggy ass old lady arms and impeccable footwork/body position. Pretty f'n eyeopening, sorta like the beachfall I took from the 4th bolt later that day.
  17. drater

    Climbing Studs

    well it ain't gonna up and relocate to seattle...
  18. drater

    Climbing Studs

    Bouldering is practice for real climbing. whatever toolbag, ropes R aid. Come to NCW and I'll show you a bunch of bolder problems you'd want to add a sissy bolt to.
  19. drater

    Anyone ever notice?

    Sunny Delite and excessive Lysergic Acid Diethylamide is not a winning combo either.
  20. drater


    Kids these days!
  21. umm, what's Ibex and how much time commitment is required?
  22. Other cases may vary. Back when I rappelled out of helicoptors for the gubmint, one of my crewmates was scouting our hike out and got eyeballed by a cat. He had a shovel and a radio. He was out of radio range. That cat stalked him for the hour and a half it took him to get back walking backwards. If he made eye contact and waved the shovel and yelled, the cat either moved back or stayed put. As soon as he had to break eye contact and not present such a threat, the cat moved on him. He finally got into radio range freaking out and I rolled over down into that draw with a Stihl O44 screaming at full throttle (didn't have a gun, best I could think of). That cat didn't bail until I got 10' away from him, and even then, reluctantly. He also lurked us our entire hikeout, about 7 slow miles thru slide alder. Given the option, I'd have shot that fucker between the eyes.
  23. Too true. I would suggest, however, remembering to remove it from your gear before rolling into Canookia the next morning for an impromptu Red Mountain 40" powder session.
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