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Everything posted by drater

  1. Rosario Dawson says otherwise and I love her for it.
  2. I think her 0 is beyond saving.
  3. Nice. What fire was that on, and are you wearing an entiat shots shirt? Ill have to dig up some pics of milk challenges from fire seasons past. I don't remember what fire that was, my first with the Bushmen, somewhere in SE Oregon outside of Lakeview and like a good n00b was convinced I could crush the 4.4.40. I was obviously wrong, that's quart #3 in my hands. $600 and the keys to a cherry lime green el camino on the line and I couldn't get r dun.
  4. At a truckstop bathroom. Don't be late.
  5. drater


    That's cuz you're down with the BBC.
  6. drater


    Wow, real beta from a Hamster. So how bout that music scene? Nightly live music? Punk? Indie? Bands get paid to play up there or do they pay to play ala LA. Say that a bunch a times quick!
  7. The real deal holyfield. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coca_Sek
  8. drater


    Oh I know bham sucks, fricken Straight of Jaun DeFuca is a garden hose with a spray nozzle aimed at belly. Good for Baker, the suxxor for the lowlands. It is not I that you need to convince. Maybe if I liked hairy patchuli reeking girls and trustafarians in SUV's.
  9. WAY too late for that one, chica! Turns out it wasn't just naive 17 year olds that said mechanic was ripping off, the funeral was not widely attended. His son always had the sweet line on hash tho.
  10. My first car was a '71 VW Thing. Left carb caught on fire 5 days after I bought it from a mechanic. He told me to get stuffed when I had it towed back to him. His rapid onset of mulitiple malignant cancers opened my eyes to the possibility of instant karma gratification.
  11. It's cool how you keep posting the same pic with a different witty reply every time. Keep up the awesome!!!!
  12. Probably not the worst picture of me I have but the worst one in my photobucket account for sure.
  13. drater


    whatsa matter wittle kevy, scared I might take over the dumbest sprayer award? When I start a thread rating PTown gaybars, then you're advise will be usefull. Until then, STFU tool!!!
  14. drater


    Pro's and Con's? Friend of mine is thinking of moving up there from Texass and I thought some of you might have more relevant info than me, seeing it's been 10 years since I hung up there. Qualifiers would be: Music Scene Rock Music Scene Things to do when it rains? Thanks for any input.
  15. drater

    Mary Jane

    what was the question again?
  16. Tons of ticks out here, although doesn't seem like anymore than EWash which is showing no cases of limes disease? Strange.
  17. "i think he sucks ass" Makes him a truck stop superstar.
  18. Gladly. I'd even volunteer. But the level of hate cc.com spray is capable of pushing out wouldn't even get me off. Not watered down for bleeding hearts hate
  19. Hey Kevbone, in that thread that got deleted you actually had a couple funny posts. Good job. Who typed em for you?
  20. Whining about moderators is so 2002.
  21. There are a few too many mega-corps making really good money providing "services" in war torn areas for that to ever happen.
  22. Quit subisidizing violent crime convicted criminals. Trade three squares and roof over their heads for desert fatigues and an M-16. Sure, fragging rates would go thru the roof, but is that necessarily a bad thing? If there's not enough murderers, rapists and sex offenders to keep up with the rate of attrition, instead of deporting illegal aliens, sign em up as they crawl over the fence. They make it back in one piece, give em citizen status. Or maybe we should quit playing schoolyard bully to the world and concentrate on taking care of our own problems here at home, wouldn't need so many soldiers then. At least until Snatch declares martial law.
  23. drater


    You two make a cute couple.
  24. drater

    Bomber Gear

    lol, you gotta train them pets better.
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