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Everything posted by drater

  1. Talk about your Aryan strongholds, we played those fuckers in sate basketball, like playing 12 dolph lundgrens.
  2. drater

    Temp Work

    nevamind im stiktin too droowin pikters lol
  3. Fuck, guess I'd better quit posting again.
  4. drater

    Temp Work

    Check. Mr. Sniffagashloveorifice here.
  5. drater


    depends on how you get there...
  6. I think so. There's an Alice, OR and the sign on either end of town says "Entering Alice". Funny shit when you're 13. Or 33.
  7. drater


    it really fucking hurts when you sit on your balls.
  8. d00d, there's some really good 5.4 solos up that thing and some outstanding bolders down below (tons of cowshit under the good roofs tho...). Ever go to the Goodyear Bolders, towards the bottom of Tunk Creek out on a little bench above the switchback in the road, so named for the old metal Goodyear Tires sign someone took the time to haul out there, prop up against a bolder and shoot the shit out? Super classic steep lines out a lasercut smooth face.
  9. damn, I thought the realtor was feeding you a line of BS. The county has 5268.1 sq. mi. No rock tho. Which realtor you talking to?
  10. Jack Black moved to Oroville of all places. Regular player at my buddies weekly poker game. I bet that's some good entertainment.
  11. Okanogan County is larger than Rhode Island. We should be our own country.
  12. Backside of Beehive from my property. Howdy, neighbor!
  13. Where at Zonk? I'm a Torngasket kid myself.
  14. drater


    Thankfully, no. Barely remember it to be honest.
  15. FYI, claiming to be going climbing at the Osooyos border crossing is an automotatic "pull over to the left please and step out of your vehicle." Golfing gets a big smile and the quickest green light evar.
  16. It must then be a question of moral fiber and upraising. Anything would be better than Famous Pototoes, IMHO. The selkirks would give you the same experience. Well, no. The sawtooths are way better climbing. But the Selkirks are in my back yard and empty 99.9% of the time.
  17. Only when we dress up like sheep for halloween.
  18. drater


    I had this epic siegefest on a massive summit (2005 & 2006 taxes). Got up early Saturday morning, climbed (data entry) all morning long, got dehydrated (bored), had to stop and boil snow (case of coronas, 4 limes, bag of chips). Refreshed, I trudged (more data entry) upwards. Got off route (missing receipts) and had to bivy (passed out). Sunday, woke to blue sky's (fucking alarm clock) and proceeded to break camp (corona at 6am). A long day of sketchy rock (lying), frozen mud (making shit up)and constant rockfall (beer shits) led me to the summit cornice (out of beer). Undaunted, I trudged (staggered) on but as my headlamp (420) was dying, I turned back in defeat (filed extension, again). Failing sucks but at least I tried (that sucked even worse).
  19. http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/health/interactives/guns/ownership.html
  20. d00d, I was just trolling, I don't have time to look up that shit. We had our first murder in 10 years last year, pretty good for a town of 10k people. Of course it was Meth related so those crime stats should rise. And I'll maintain that the presense of so many guns leads people to settle their differences in other manners. We have a shitload of fistfights and bar brawls. But no shootings. And no drive-by's. The rape stats are disturbing tho, seems to be the preferred sport of rednecks. Well, that and domestic abuse. I count the suicide stat as a positive, too many f'n people up here anyway.
  21. pfft....we just cover our murders up better than you.
  22. Almost every pickup truck in North Idaho has a gunrack with multiple guns in the back window (excluding the california cowboys inundating us lately). Many other people have concealed carry permits. It's pretty well understood that more people than not are armed up here. We have low violent crime rates, especially the kind of crimes supported by Tvash's studies. Meth crimes are another matter, tweakers are too wacked to think straight. Point blank, you'd have to be a moron to start waving your gun around up here, as a couple stupid Wigga's from Spocompton learned last summer when one guy flashed the .40 stuck in his drooping drawers. He left in one piece, sans piece, with a point of advise to stay out of Sandpoint. Fodder for thought.
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