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Everything posted by Mal_Con

  1. Himalayas, simply the biggest and best.
  2. No rationalizations, you can read the proposed op-ed on Drudge and it was pretty lame.
  3. There re a lot of fire roads behind Rockaway Beach and Wheeler. You can ride to some nice viewpoints and all the way down to Garabaldi. Get a county map as it is easy to get lost.
  4. Wait til he finds out God is a Black Lesbian.
  5. Mal_Con


    Here is what McCain will look like in 4 years.
  6. Mal_Con

    Buy this now

    I worked for a company that had one better a Gold Plated Optical Cable.
  7. My understanding is that the malaria resistance comes with a single recessive gene for SCA which does not have detrimental effects the anemia only appears if you have inherited two such genes. Of course I could be wrong.
  8. The facts of my post are correct Prescot Bush did finance the Nazis and opposed entry to WWII until Pearl Harbor. I never claimed that he frofited from death camps or slave labor etc.
  9. Actually, Germany declared war on the U.S. after Pearl Harbor. The righties of the day like Ford, Lindberg and Prescot Bush (yeah his granddad) were against going to war because they were making $$$ selling to the Nazi's.
  10. We have been occupying Iraq for 5 years now, the Germans occupied Poland from Sept 1939 to March 1945 and France from 1940 to 1944. So how different are we?
  11. They both should be tried for war crimes, waging aggressive war in Iraq seems like a slam dunk. We hung folks Nuremberg for doing that.
  12. Mal_Con


    Not really but a big correlation between debt and the value of the $ and the price of oil which follows.
  13. Mal_Con


    Actually it is just like Nam in 72 or 73. We have not defeated or killed off the "Insurgents" they are still there have not surrendered and still have their guns. JUST LIKE IN 75 THE NVA came back so will they as soon as we turn it over to "our iraqis". Same as it ever was.
  14. Maybe we could send him up to Luna Creek, then he could at least do something useful.
  15. Went up Dirty Harry's Peak 4600' with snowshoes last night, at least a foot of new wet heavy snow on top would have sucked for skiing if it gets more will be downright dangerous. Snowcrummy will be similar.
  16. I have done several traverses in the Sierra. The Mounties have abook that covers the whole route quite well. The Palisad portion is a fun not difficult one that gives access to the "easy" side of the Pallisades. There are only a few chossy sections most of the way is large talus. The giant cairns are long gone. You can make a return loop on the John Muir trail for shorter loops. It is also easy to just go cross country in many places and some of the large lake basins do not have trails. Bears can be a problem on the Johhn Muir as they are much more agressive than here so canisters are required.
  17. It is a mistake to say that private schools pay their teachers much less than public. This may have been true with Catholic schools long ago when they used nuns and volunteers. The elite private schools in the Seattle area in fact pay much more that public schools and have higher standards.
  18. Mal_Con

    Obama = 666?

    Seeing as Revelations was written many hundreds of years before Mohamed or Muslims existed.
  19. We're sorry, this video is no longer available, I depressed
  20. Woe awaits any politician who dares to suggest its removal, maybe lame duck Bush could suggest getting rid of it as his numbers could not get much lower.
  21. Whew, that's a relief I thought we would have to wait til 2012.
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