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Everything posted by Camilo

  1. I'm not sure why Democrats keep getting called whiners all the time. Don't conservatives and/or Republicans whine a lot too? Janet Jackson's nipple shot comes to mind. Or more recently, some actress' suggestive naked back at the beginning of Monday night football. Both sides love to whine when they don't get their way. As for the election, it's a tough call. The law allows for a recount request, but that's really expensive. Some people would say to concede now is to quit while there's still a tangible chance for victory. Edit: By the way, I hope you all had a great Thanksgiving.
  2. This is great! The last few posts have actually been civil AND interesting (probably because they're addressing my question). Thanks for that. One comment: Your parents pay for other people's kids because they had public schools when they grew up (if they did so in the U.S.). I went to a private high school and college and have absolutely no problem paying taxes for the rest of my life to have a public education system. I think, particularly when talking schools, the "I don't use them, so why should I pay?" argument is pretty damn selfish. Especially when said by old people. When I was in college in L.A. a few years ago, Leisure World in Seal Beach decided to secede from the city. Leisure World is a giant retirement community. They felt that their taxes weren't representing their wants and needs, so they seceded. Their public schools lost a ton of funding because of this. I think that's pretty screwed up, but maybe I'm just a communist
  3. I have. Family-owned wheat farming land outside of the Dalles run by my dad's cousins. I was hunting on it last month. I'm not seeing your point. . . are you talking about giant mega-production farms?
  4. I agree with CBS. I've experienced this crap from the oil changers before. They're trained to want to replace all kinds of crap on your car. Example: I didn't have time to change my own oil before a big trip, so I took it to Jiffy Lube. They told me I needed a new fan belt. I had just gotten the fan belt replaced two days before, and I told the guy this. He just mumbled some stuff about cracks in the belt. That car didn't see another shop until the radiator blew 30k miles later. Tell them just to change the oil. If you had a starter/battery problem, Les Schwab is honest about replacing stuff. Just remember that the oil places rarely have real mechanics.
  5. Camilo

    good things to know

    When someone says "smell this" - particularly while holding up a finger - don't smell it. It's mind boggling how many people don't know this.
  6. Scott, spell my name right dammit! Freebird, I'm not quite following what you're saying so I think you might need to spell it out for me. Sorry, I was a science major. I'm not trying to be an asshole and ask rhetorical questions, I'm seriously curious about this. Thanks for the answers so far, but I'm afraid I need a little more.
  7. I repeat my question asked earlier: Why are farmers republicans? Why did 8 out of the top 10 farm subsidy receiving states vote republican? I don't know who wouldn't consider farm subsidies socialism. France does the same thing . Now that we have more right wingers on board here at cc.com, can one of you help me answer this question? It seems like a pretty strong ideological contradiction.
  8. Hmmmmmm. . . Still vote Chile.
  9. A good criteria for moving somewhere - suicide rates. I would not live in one of those Norse countries despite quality of life. I couldn't handle the few hours of daylight all winter.
  10. Chile! Andes, surfing, desert, Patagonia. I love Oregon and the US, but if I want a change of scenery at some point in my life, I could easily spend a few years living there. Not to mention instantaneous citizenship from being born there
  11. Took 5 seconds (edit: longer because I'm a dumbass and the image didn't show up)
  12. Camilo

    Hate November?

    Have you people checked the forecast? Cold and sunny this weekend. Absolutely nothing to complain about except a lack of snow after early teaser snows.
  13. Hablen Ingles concha de sus madres, que no entiendo ni una maldita palabra que dicen! Si quieren pelear en otro idioma lo pueden hacer con mensajes privados, huevones.
  14. Camilo

    Italian Style

    This is so much cooler. . . Fiat Panda 4x4
  15. That was my question. I'm looking for insight, because I'm just stuck on moral issues as the sole basis for Republican support. War on Terror? Another issue that's difficult to understand due to the much lower risk of a terrorist attack on sparsely populated rural areas. I just don't get it. Any explanations? Maybe I should ask on ascensionist.com, because conservatives are slim pickins around here these days.
  16. I've got a question I wonder about sometimes: Why are rural folks more often republicans? Isn't fiscal responsibility one of the platforms of the republican party? Lower taxes? They get a bunch of farm subsidies. Here's something I found in a simple search. . . 8 out of the 10 states that receive the most subsidies voted for Bush. Do religion and moral issues trump fiscal responsibility and a free economy? Is there something I'm missing? Here's the link
  17. Camilo

    The Other Side

    bDubyaH, that's just the liberal media spin
  18. Here you go It goes on, click the link.
  19. Camilo

    The Other Side

    It's legal in Oregon, twice approved by voters. Ashcroft has fought it since early in the administration. I think George Bush is his boss
  20. Trees combined with oxygen cause forest fires. Cut them down, eliminate both problems
  21. I went over there this morning when I couldn't get on the server here, and I saw that he said he's done with this site. Self-banned?
  22. From what I know of abortions, they're hardly convenient. They are often an action taken against a mistake made, but not "convenient". On another note, you're a rugger right Scott? You must know the filthy abortion clinic verse to "S&M Man". I could never quote it because I'd get insta-banned .
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