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Everything posted by Double_E

  1. a few more thots on Oly, after reading OW's post more carefully.. so what choo don' like about Burrito Heavan mang? damn good burritos IMO ... Oly's answer to Taco Del Mar (except that no TDMs have a cantina/tequilabar in the next room. Climbing... Fossil Rock and Cushman are both pretty cool, at least if you're satisfied with 5.7-5.9 stuff. I think each has like maybe one or two .10s or .11s. And hey OW you did't mention the Evergreen climbing gym .. small (converted racquetball court) but pretty damn cool. Open to the gen. public, but I don't know any rates or stuf.
  2. Double_E

    Naked Hiking

    once years ago, went on a backpacking trip in the Sierra Nevada with some friends (two other guys & two girls) and we went all went naked for about a 5 or 6 miles stretch. was kinda fun. one of those things you try once, just to be able to say you've done it. can't say I'd do it again, but can't say I wouldn't do so, either.
  3. Double_E


    bad idea, JoshK. don'cha think that that would give him a certain smug satisfaction? like I said in the McCain thread.. stop replying to his inane blather and maybe he'll shut up already.
  4. I liked Olympia a lot while I was there, but can't say I miss it much. Quick summaries on my take on: Climbers/Bikers/Paddlers... yeah there's a decent amount, not quite as many per capita as Seattle tho. If you like the Olympic Mts you're stoked -- much better acces to them than from Seattle. but the access to skiing & mtn biking isn't quite as good as up here. Great biking at Capital Forest, but that's about all there is nearby. Culture/Nightlife ... MUCH more than you'd think given a town of that size. Evergreen's had been a big effect on that town in that regard. Some pretty decent bands come thru there every now & then. Lets see... Fishbone, Phish,... can't remember offhand who else. yeah, the Eastside Tavern is cool... if maybe a bit brightly lit. Do they still do "Micro Monday"? 25+ micros to choose from for $1.75/pint; not - too - shabbby. Women... much more body hair per capita than Seattle, and I mean MUCH more. I mean I'll tolerate more than the average modern American male, but sheeesh... some o' them hippy chicks look like they're wearing otterskin leg-warmers! They also tend to have much more baggage per capita than Seattle women.. whether it's of the emotional variety, or the screaming, diaper-wearing variety, or both. (kept meaning to bring this up in that "Northwest Wimmin" thread.) Yeah overall I would NOT recommend Oly to any single guy (or girl) moving there unless it was for college; you'll have a lot more fun in th' big city. Weather... annual rainfall averages about 50 inches. Seattle's is 35. nuff said.
  5. Double_E


    hey peeps... remember what your second grade teacher useta always tell you about the inane, obnoxious kid in the back of the class who'd call you "fuzzywigs" all the time... and fart with his armpit and tell everyone it was you... and make funny faces at you n' stuff? remember how teach' used to emphasize that he was just trying to get a rise outta you? remember how she said that if you ignore him he'll just shut up?!? well I've been on both sides of this fence.. the obnoxious kid AND the ignorer.. and trust me, ignoring the dipshit usually works.
  6. Double_E


    one thing's fer damn sure.. if Kerry picked McCain for a running mate he'd have a guaranteed ticket to the White House. I don't think he needs to tho; I think things are looking bleaker and bleaker for Dubya.
  7. When I lived in Oly we once went climbing at some quarry next to the Skookumchuck Reservoir.. maybe this is the same one?? don't remember the name and we didn't (oops) get permission. there were some bolted routes but we had trad gear so we did that. did a couple fun climbs, then on one, after I had rapped down off of it, and my two buddies were still at the top, one of them suddenly said, "WHOA... did you hear that?" well apparently they had heard, within the cliff right next to them, some BIG chunk of rock shift, and make some kind of "WHHMMP" sound. well so they rapped down and we got the hell outta there. kinda jaded all of us against climbing at quarries and other places where the hills are shaken every now & then by explosives. I dunno, were we just being paranoid??
  8. well I just read this recently on CNN.com... OK, OK, many of you have prolly heard that one.. haven't gotten any good jokes recently, so I gotta recycle some from the archives.
  9. Pardon me, Doolittle, but you seem to have mistaken me for somebody who give's a shit! (what movie was that from..?)
  10. w00t!
  11. Double_E

    poison oak

    one thing to remember about allergic plants and such is that different types of it can have different levels of affect on you. I got exposed to poison oak a couple times in CA in the early 90s; did not get a reaction tho. and because of that, I wasn't being super careful when hiking thru/near it in Klickitat Cty, WA, a couple summers ago ..... ended up getting a reaally bad reaction that time. another possibility is that I simply wasn't allergic to it way back when; some people gain and/or lose allergies over the years. I've been stung by bees about 12 times in life... time# 8 or 9 created an allergic reaction, but none of the others before or after did.
  12. very nice, TLG. self-portrait, is it? could ya make one of ... exact same chick but on a mountain bike?
  13. wow that's too bad, Dan.. I've usually had excellent service from Les Schwab. I always recommend them to people.
  14. niiiice. kinda reminds ya of how, in late 2001, you'd read in the news about how in bars in lower Manhattan chicks were practically throwing themselves at firefighters and other rescue workers who were working on the WTC cleanup. True American Heroines. indeed. Despite my disgust for the war in Iraq, and most wars, I have the utmost respect for all the individuals who'll don a uniform and go overseas to do America's dirty work. (OK, OK, I'll stop waving my flag now)
  15. waaahhh.. I was so pumped to go to this; even had a ride, too. Then had to work Friday, plus am currently recovering from the nastiest cold I've had in 3 or 4 years. hope y'alls are having fun right now.
  16. Double_E

    Hey! YOU NEED TO,

    true dat.... one of the ways in which the old adage "you are what you eat" does NOT hold true! Fejas, why'd ya get ride of the dog avatar-pic?!? that was cool.
  17. Reminds me of some joke I heard long ago about Willie Nelson. let's see, how did that one go...?
  18. not true at all.. I mean I can't say fer sure cause I've only been to a few CC.com pub clubs, but overall there's alot more in BBTC.. quite often 1/3 of the peeps on a club ride will be wimmin. climber wimmin do tend to be a LOT hotter tho. let's face it, you can have a fat ass and still be a pretty damn good biker.. not so with rock climbing. hmmm. maybe that's why I bike more than climb.. cuz of my fat ass.
  19. Yeh no shit! that's why I come here to spray.... peeps who actually have a sense o' humor.
  20. This was a response to a post I made to the listserv of BBTC.org, a local mountain biking club. I had put in a plug for CC.com, saying it was a good model for what our website could be. The guy (yes, he is male) who responded with the above unfortunately happens to be the main webmaster of our site. Schuldt, I gotta thank you again for turning me onto CC.com, but still.... I gotta agree with what someone else said recently in some other thread about how you put the green smiley on EVERY single fuckin thread you post. It IS pretty gay.
  21. see attached... odd, but funny.
  22. Double_E

    red hair

    This is too cool... Richard Simmons is no longer the only recurring celebrity theme on this site.
  23. Double_E

    fart machine

    Trader Joe's frozen gyoza (a.k.a. potstickers) trust me... you don't wanna go there.
  24. Read Fairweather's post again, Josh. What he was comparing between bikes & skis were their speed, not the mark they leave on the landscape. From what I've heard, studies have been done which show that, under dry trail conditions, bikes erode trails no more than boots. Sorry, don't have sources to cite... go google it if ya want to prove me (well, prove my sources) wrong. Why?? I mean, alpine vegetation is certainly no place for bikes, but it's also no place for boots. If ya stay on trail, what's tha big deal? I say MOST trails, even most in Nat'l Parks, should be open during the dry season. (Which would, however, keep the approach to Olympus closed to bikes all year tho!) Yeh no shit.
  25. same here exactly. owl rocks... not sure if i'll make it tho.
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