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Everything posted by letsroll

  1. ALpine ski boots...WOW good job on making the most of what you have :tup: That is sweet that you are climbing in college. I did a handfull of rock climbing days in college,then my belay partner left and I stopped. Wish I had taken more interest in climbing back then. I would be so much better at rock and steep alpine. Now I can't seem to get enough of it. Just need to win the lottery so I can basically live up there.
  2. you always get the sweet pics. Nice story. If I ever get my butt out there we will have to get to Kuhal crew going for some epic 2 stroke action. Well epic for me
  3. Damn Ivan. Thank god I don't have the clothing for that cold other wise I might have gone for it. For some reason I need a suffer fest to remind myself why not to climb in those conditions, or to do super long approaches and climb car to car in one day. Must just have short term memory I guess Maine-iac you a boot packer or have you seen the light of AT gear?
  4. I was going to climb today. Sat in my car in the parking lot at Timberline for a few minutes. My whole car was moving up and down as the wind tried to pick up the rear of my car, as if someone was jumping up and down on the rear bumber. Crazy. The top of Tom, dick and Harry was not much better. Nearly blown over twice even while braced for the gust. Later in the week looks better. Wed???
  5. Thanks for posting the job opening. I have looked and thought about this one and the others that have been posted (don't meet the qualifications on any of them :-( ). This would be an increase in pay for me, so whatever to the pay haters.
  6. There you go Wayne your back on top...lol.
  7. I looked at those, but decided the snow around here just does not warrent them. Went with a fat ski that I can tour with.
  8. Ej, looks tasty. Might have to give that one a go.
  9. The zip lock bag is a good one. I use a water proof clear plastic mag bag I picked up at REI, you can fit a whole quad with out folding it. They work great and more durable than the zip lock bag. Tired to find it on the REI web site but no luck.
  10. The other reason you my not have had any reply's is that one one has used it.
  11. Thanks Roger for putting that in and all the work you do with that.
  12. Don't you now, anybody on hood is a climber even these two bummbbb asses. If they thought they were going to climb, even better if they regestered like they were going to climb, they should be charged. No gear...WTF Ted: Yo Jed I have a great idea lets go register to climb a route on mount hood. We should be able to get up there with our hiking poles and shoeshoes. The weather is not looking so great tomorrow, even better. We don't need no stinking map. We don't need no compass or altimeter. Edit: I did see a compass on one of them well at least they had that. Ted: do we need one of those new fangled GPS? Jed: (drinking a miller lite) Whats a GPS? Ted: I thought you knew, oh well Hope they learned thier lesson. Hope the rest of the idiots learned thier lesson. If you go out to play in da woods you need gear.
  13. Just heard it looks like they did leuholds and decended the SS or at least that was thier plan. not smart. RBW you skinning or hiking? Ran into two guys headed to crater rock that were snowshoeing.
  14. Is integral designs clothing made in canada? Do we know for sure? Wild Things made in USA for sure? Think I will go with one of these next time.
  15. damn I was just up there on sunday. Stopped at the hogs back. I would not have climbed any higher. The whole crater needs to slide. Pearly gates are not really gates anymore, just a short ice section. Just like last year old shute is the way to go but that is so Avi savi right now. Hope they are all ok.
  16. I bought a couple of items last year cause they were on sale and they fit perfectly for me. I am a bit suprised and disapointed to learn the jackets and such are made in china. Part of the reason I purchased thier clothing is because I thought it was made in Canada. I really don't care that there stuff is made in china but thier prices should reflect that fact. We all know labor in china and such places is significanly cheeper. Yet thier prices have gone up with the new gore Pro what ever. I am sure the chines are as good than manufacturing in canada. Just disappointed yet not suprised that their prices don't reflect that. I will think twice and probably not purchase thier $$$$ stuff because of that fact. I will look for the cheeper made in china stuff.
  17. mmm there is a Oregon...maybe you should ask in there. Target audience????? Oh ya check this out linkie
  18. will in that case I won't feel bad but rather feel bad for the poor snowplow driver who plowed you. That might mess them up, heck I know it would mess me up.
  19. ok to really answer your question. SS of hood is your best bet in Feb. Avi and weather is critical. avi weather Better have your map and compass skills. Weather is fast, whiteout conditions happen all the time. route description This was posted just below your post Read this Be sure to regester prior to leaving. You can snowshoe, but I prefer skining to the hogs back then sking down starting at pearly gates. If you get good weather you will have a handfull of other people up there with you. Good luck and be safe!!!!
  20. I am sure. This is the perfect season so far for them, powder!!! It will be interesting to see what you think on hardpack and spring conditions. That is when I switch to skinnier skis.
  21. That is waiting to slide. Taken the friday prior to xmas. Would think it is the same still.
  22. I can understand why they don't want you hiking back on the highway. Snow plow or other cars might hit you. As for what happened they should post sings stating that you are not ment to park at the end of the road. If people still do then they should give out tickets not tow. If this still happens or this is a good place to access the outdoors then maybe they should consider making some sort of snow park and signing where people can park.
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